(Recap: Sam learns the truth about how he got adopted and who his parents are).
Anna p.o.v
Mary and David I apologize in advance I know that the loss of your son is a subject that is hard for you. The only reason I know about that incident is because I was your nurse that unfortunate night when the fire outbreak occurred. When the fire started all the staff were told to grab a baby that was closest to them while we were going out since we were the only members allowed in that ward I didn’t think twice I quickly grabbed a baby to take to safety, I tried to find you both but I never could. All the documents with personal details was burnt which is why I did not know your address to track you’ll down. For the past 25 years I have been searching for you’ll, I raised your son as if he was my own. Today all my prayers have finally been answered because I found you and I want to return your son to you. All these years Sam has been a part of your lives but I am sure you never knew how close this relationship that you share. Anna are you saying that Sam is our son? Yes madam Sam is your son.
Today before coming here I told Sam that I adopted him and he knows the name of his parents but her doesn’t know that his parents were with him his whole life. Anna can we meet him officially as our son? Mary he has always been your son he even told me that he felt some kind of weird protectiveness over Nia as if she was his sister. Let me just call him quickly. Sam can I talk to you for a moment?
James take over for me please mom is calling me. Sam remember I told you about your parents? Yes mom. Sam follow me, Mary and David would like to ask you something.
Sam p. o. v
I am going to beat you Roy , you are driving too slow. No you won’t I am good at turns and look we are coming closer towards the curves. Oh Roy has your brother James not told you that I am the Xbox racing champion, I won 10 times so far this will be my 11th time so watch how I win. See I beat you. I want a re match says Roy. Sam can I talk to you for a moment mom says as she comes into the game room. James take over for me please. Sure says James.
Mary and David would like to ask you something Sam. Sam remember I once told you that I wanted to make you the owner of my hospital? Yes uncle David but isn’t Nia part owner due to her having half of the shares. Yes Sam what I meant was my shares will be given to you . But uncle David why would you give me all your shares only your daughter Nia should get everything that you own. Sam remember I once told you that I had a son? Well it turns our missing son was with us all the time. Anna reminded us of the day we lost you son. Yes Sam we are your parents. As soon as dad said that mom gives me a hug while I hug her back. Oh Sam we have waited for this day for so long mom says while holding me in her arms crying. Anna thank you so much for taking care of our son all these years. Sam would you like to move in with us? Dad can I move in after Nia’s wedding? Sam you can come home whenever you want to. When should we tell Nia that I am her brother? I have an idea why don’t we tell Nia at the next family meeting after her wedding says mom. Sam is that okay with you or do you want to tell her yourself? Why don’t I tell her at the meeting? Yes Sam that is a wonderful idea. Sam it is getting late would you like to come home for coffee tomorrow? Sorry mom I have a few operations to do I will let you know when I am free. Okay son bye see you soon. Nia we are going home now do you want to come with us or come later dad says to Nia as she walks out of the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. Sam I think it’s time we also should be getting home my mother Anna says, Yes mom it has been a long night let me just say bye to the boys
Lucy White
After school I moved to Los Angeles to stay with my cousin Jessica because I was offered a job in the forensic department of the LAPD. I love my job I get to work closely with the detectives and collect evidence from crime scenes I really like staying here but I miss my parents and all my friends. Over the years I have learned to control my panic attracts. I took 2 weeks leave so that I could go for the wedding which is taking place in the Bahamas and then to Miami for the after party. I can’t believe it after so long i will get to see Sam again.
I arrived at the Bahamas and check into my room that was assigned by Nia. I take out my phone to call her so we can meet up. Hello Nia its Lucy how are you? Well thanks have you checked in already? Yes Nia I have I wanted to meet you and the girls. Sure meet me at the hotel reception I will bring the girls with me since we need to go shopping for my dress and your dress also since you are going to be one of the bridesmaids. Okay Nia see you soon. I quickly change into more comfortable clothes and go to the reception.
Hi girls I say to Karen , Alice and Nia as I hug them. Hello Mrs Charles and Mrs Brown how are you this beautiful morning? We are well thanks Lucy last we saw you , you were leaving to go to LA. Yes I now work for the LAPD as their forensic investigator (while walking to the dress shops) I get to help my friends solve crimes I really enjoy it . That is wonderful Lucy have you thought of transferring back home? I have I just want to get more work experience before I apply to come back home.
Hello and welcome to brides dresses how may I help you today? Hello I would like to look at your brides dresses please. Certainly follow me. Isn’t this exciting Karen? I thought I missed out on dress choosing. No Lucy , Nia wanted all of us together like old times but Ashley isnt here