Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking due to the unexpected weather change we are making an emergency landing in the water.
Lucy look out of the window and tell me what you see says Sam!!
Sam I see the plane’s wing is on fire and we are heading towards a whirlpool. Lucy if we do not make it I want you to know that I have always loved you from the moment that I first saw you on the first day of school and nothing will ever change the way I feel about you my only regret is that I never told you before, I just wish I had a chance to take my beautiful lady on a date to all my favourite places. Sam I love you too I am so scared. Here Lucy hold my hand I won’t let you go. Wherever you go I go. (The oxygen masks fall down) Lucy here put on your mask . Sam the plane is going down look at all the water coming inside, we need to get out of here quickly I can feel my panic attack coming back. It is okay Lucy just breath in through your nose and out through your month hold my hand It will help you feel better. Lu do you trust me? Yes I do Sam. Lu I need you to hold your breath so that we can go under the water to get out of the open door. Ready go. (Sam points to the entrance of the plane as they swim)
Slow breaths Lucy, (above the water) now we need to find an island we have to keep swimming. Sam look over there , is that a cave or am I imagining it because we have been swimming for so long? Lu that is a cave let’s see where the cave leads too. As we get closer to the cave we see an island behind it.
As we look around we realise that the cave makes a circle shape blocking our vision of the island. Once we reach the sand we hurry out of the water and lay down on the ground as we try to catch our breath. Once we feel better we go site seeing. Sam this place looks amazing , look at the view of the ocean its sparkling under the warm sun. Oh look I can see a dolphin right there Yes lu that is a dolphin look here the rocks are formed like a chair and look how clear the water is we can see a school of fish. Let’s see if we can find some food. Sam look is that bananas? Yes Lu it looks like it but it looks a bit high. Do you think you could climb, I will help you get up and if you fall I will be able to catch you to prevent you from getting hurt. If I climbed the tree and fell I won’t be able to treat myself (laughing) Okay Sam help me up please.
Sam I managed to break a bunch will you please catch it before it hits the ground. Caught It come down slowly. No Lu that branch is too thin to stand on move your foot to the branch next to it. Put your arms around my neck so that I can bring you down. Thank you Sam. You know I quite like this position. What do you mean? Well I am holding you in my arms and I helped you climb off the tree sort of like you own personal knight in shining armour. Oh my brave knight what ever will I do without you(dramatically) Hey no need to be sarcastic you know, anyway let’s eat then we can make a shelter for the night in case it rains.
Lucy can you collect the sticks for the fire while I hold these long branches . let’s leave the stick for the fire here and start with the house first while the sun is still out. Lucy take the palm tree leaves and strip them so that we can tie them together to use like rope ,well done Lucy just like that now tie the leaves above my hand to secure this part ,now place the rest of the leaves on top of the sticks like a roof. Wow Sam this is really good now that we have shelter we should make the fire. Good idea Lu can you please pass me two stones I am to going to rub them together to get a few sparks just like this now blow a little so the fire catches on the wood. Sam where did you leant to make fire like that? When Nia used to have sleep overs with all the girls uncle David and I would go camping for the weekend. Lucy I know this isn’t the perfect place in the world but here with you , under stars and this cool ocean breeze blowing through your hair I want to ask you something. Okay Sam what do you want to ask me? Lucy I have watched you grow into this wonderful young lady , I still remember the day we met as if it was yesterday so Lucy will you be my girlfriend? Yes Sam I would love that.
Time for bed Lucy we have a long day tomorrow. Why is that Sam? We have to catch fish for breakfast and we still have to make a help sign. Okay could you put the fire off while I climb into our home. I like the sound of that, our home. Lucy it is a bit cold now that the fire is off do you want to cuddle to keep warm? Sam is that your way of saying that you want to hold me? Yes you caught me is it so wrong to want to hold my girlfriend? Well if you put it like that then no you can hold me as much as you want, the only good part is that I have a warm blanket.(laughing) Oh so now I am your blanket , as far as I remember you used to be very ticklish I wonder if you still are. You wouldn’t dare . Really get back here.(running and laughing while playing)