Chapter 26

Czar Neil Pattinson POV

"Where is Ron?"

I have been calling Ron for the past 15 minutes but he is not answering my call. It's directly going to voicemail.

We have a meeting to attend.

I informed him last night itself that we have to wake up tomorrow morning early.

"Hey, baby brother! Where are you heading to so early in the morning?"

"Meeting, kazimir," I replied.


"Have you seen Ron?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"Why? Do you have any work with him?"

"Yes, he has to come with me to the meeting."

"Oh, wait, I will call him."

"I tried calling him but it's is going to voicemail."


"Are you free?"

"No, I'm busy I have to go and visit the hotel to check some account files."

"Oh, okay. I will go then. I'm getting late." I replied.

"Okay, see you later," Kazimir said.

I waved my hand while heading to the door.
