Skylee P.O.V
I took a shower and wrapped the bathrobe around my body. Standing in front of the mirror, I dried my hair with the towel as my mind again took the subway to what happened earlier.
After Owen, of course, with the help of Rosalyn succeed in making Helen agree to come to his place. We ate late-night breakfast because by the time we were done it was already 3 am. He invited all of us, even me too, but I apologized and told him I had some urgent things to deal with.
He nodded in understanding but Rosalyn created a fuss, somehow, I handled her. Since I had no dress to wear and probably no shop would open at this early. I borrowed a dress from Helen. They created a big fuss asking different questions like was I going on a date or something and blah blah.
I didn't tell them anything and answered them with my glare and cold behavior. After that, I left Helen's house, collected all gifts from the airport, and by the time we reached Bro Xander's house. It was at 6 am.