CHAPTER 39: Smiles and Apologies (II)

Skylee P.O.V

"Can we walk for a while?" Eric asked, as soon as we exit the Sweet Home. It was evening and the sun was already behind the horizon, scattering dim purple and yellow lights in the sky while birds were also heading back to their homes.

"No." I said and walked towards the car.

"Come on. Just to that tree there." He said, pointing towards a tree on the end of the road. I looked at my bodyguards and they silently shrugged in return.

Contemplating for a moment, I nodded, "Alright." I said and started to take slow steps on the pavement.

"Can't you say 'yes' for the first time? Why I always get a straight 'no' to anything I ask?" He complained as he started to walk beside me.

"Don't beat around the bush. Tell me what do you want?" I asked, ignoring his complaint.

"Nothing. Just a walk." He said. Despite the urge to saw his face right now, I kept my eyes in front of me.