"But you know,

some wishes can never come true.

Some wishes are supposed

to be incomplete.

For Good."

Marietta P.O.V

The rest of the party went pleasantly as I met many business partners of daddy who congratulated them on the golden jubilee and wished me a 'Happy Birthday' but the worst thing was when daddy introduced me to them by saying 'Younger heir or Major shareholder' rather than a daughter. I mean he could have said 'Meet my daughter'.

'Isn't it sound more lovely instead of this stupid business thing?'

And of course, the competition of ignorance and staring between Liam and I, in addition to some stupid and silly yet lovely conversation with Veward. Almost all the guests were gone by now and only family members were sitting at the table. Veward and Liam's family were also with us as they were my father's childhood friends.

Everyone was involved in talking on various topics when Alessandro cleared his throat loudly and grabbed everyone's attention: "So.....ow everybody is here, we would like to say something." Then he looked at Mia and widely smiled. I saw a hint of blush on Mia's cheeks.

Something seems fishy!

The atmosphere became as silent as a cinema as every eye was focused on him. He stood up from his seat with the same smile pasted on his lips.

'What's going on?'

"Actually... I'm going to be a daddy soon." He said almost quickly with his smile broadening, showing his teeth.

"What? Really?! Congratulation!" I said and hugged Mia who was sitting beside me. She hugged back and whispered thank you. I was happy for them. They made a perfect couple together and now soon their family would be complete with a baby. Nothing was more beautiful than this. They deserved much more happiness.

Mom, Daddy, and everyone started to congratulate them and the once silent atmosphere was now filled with wishes and cheers. I looked at Caro and there was a glow of happiness in her eyes and the smile on her face was wide. Although she did not like me she loved Alessandro and she was happy for him.

It was my best birthday ever!


I moved to the parking area around 12:55 am.

Veward offered me a ride but I refused. I wanted some time alone to think about something. I needed to decide whether I should see a doctor or not. I never told anyone about it but recently it was coming more often than usual. I have a feeling that the dream was more than a nightmare.

As I walked towards my car, John and my two bodyguards were standing around the car and discussing something.

"What happened? Let's go home." I said and they masked their worry with poker faces.

"Not possible, Ma'am," John said frustratedly and kicked on the back-left tire of the car.

I looked at the punctured tire and said, "No problem. You always take an extra tire with you, so just change it. It's not a big deal."

"But I only have one spare tire." He shrugged, and only then I noticed that every tire was damaged.

"What?! How?" I shouted, looking around carefully. How? How can that be possible? All the tires got punctured at the same time? It couldn't happen by itself. Someone must have done it. But why? And who? So many questions jumped in my mind at the same time.

There was nothing around here that could cause something like this. It was confusing. I looked around only to found Mia and Allessandro were getting in their car. "I've called for an extra car. It will be here in 15 minutes." One bodyguard said.

To avoid more trouble for today, I just needed to get back home as soon as possible. My mind was already spinning, and now, this car mess.

"No worry. I'll take a ride from them. You can bring the car home after fixing this." I said to John, pointing towards Allessandro's car. He nodded.

I walked towards Allessandro's car followed by my bodyguards. These guys always followed me but where were they when someone did this to my car. Useless bodyguards!

Allessandro was about to revive the engine when I knocked on the passenger seat window. Mia was sitting there as she hurriedly pulled it down. "Can I join you guys?" I asked with a grin.

"Of course," Mia said with a bright smile. She always smiled like that, and her smile was so bright it could lift anyone's mood.

"But....." I looked back at my two poker face bodyguards with a frown.

"She is coming with us. So, there is no need of you." Allessandro angled his head and said.

"But Sir..." Allessandro cut him off, "Don't worry about Dad." He assured them and winked at me.

After thinking for a good 5 minutes, finally, they left.

I opened the door and sat on the back seat. He revived the engine and started the drive.

For a few minutes, I closed my eyes and rested my head on the headrest. It felt chainless and free more than silence and peace, for the first time in a long time. Every time with bodyguards all around you, you started to feel like a prisoner, unable to do anything.

"What happened? You look tired." Mia said and I opened my eyes.

"I'm tired," I smiled and closed my eyes again. I forgot about the tire puncture thing and thought about the nightmare. I have a feeling that one day that mystery will be revealed to me for sure but who knew that time had already come...

"So, what's your plan for the future?" Allessandro asked.

"I have not decided anything yet," I replied with still closed eyes.

"What about... if you start engaging in business?" Mia asked in a serious tone. I groaned.

'No, not this topic again!'

"I'm actually exhausted from explaining it to you guys again and again," I said in a frustrated voice and shifted in a straight position.

"But what's wrong in it?" She moved her head backward, towards me and asked.

"You know, I don't want to do business, at least not now," I cringed.

She exhaled. Allessandro and I passed a look. We knew what was going to come and here she goes, "Listen, you know you have to do this one day. After all, you are the major shareholder, plus you know Caro very well. You should show some interest in the business. Accept it or not but Caro is not a piece of good news for you." She said everything in one breath while gesturing perfectly with her hands.

"I'm sorry, Al, but that's the truth." She looked at Allessandro and said.

"Ohhh, my dear Mia. Don't you worry about me." I moved forward, giving her a side hug and kissed her cheek.

"Monkey, trying to butter up, huh?" Allessandro said and we all laughed.

"Don't get jealous," Mia said with a proud smile.

Mia always got worried about me on the topic of my future. Because she said that Caro's behavior was not a sister-ly one, so I should be always prepared for a fight for the thrown with her. She was not worried about her husband as she knew he would handle everything. But for me, she was worried about me more than my mother. That's why I liked her. A perfect match for my brother.

"Can you drive a little faster?" I asked Alessandro because the road was unoccupied.

"Sure," Allessandro said, speeding up a bit. We passed through the city and came on the one-way highway, the shortcut way to our mansion. Our mansion was a little distance from the city, a countryside mansion.

The rest of the drive was enjoyable. We talked about different things. We were still engaged in a hot conversation about my boyfriend. Mia wanted me to choose a perfect life partner and I was reminding her about my age. Which she said it didn't matter.

Meanwhile, she looked at Allessandro in between the conversation and asked, "What is it?" I looked at him and could see the tension on his face.

Noticing that, Mia and I looked at each other then I asked, "Any problem?" He hesitated and my heart started to pump fast.

"Don't scare me," I whispered, catching my breath. He was literally scaring me with his body language and facial expressions.

"A.....Actually.........The thing is......the brakes........are not working." He completed his sentence with long pauses between every few words.

"WHAT!?!?" We both shouted together.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm trying." He said that just to comfort us. I knew that.

"Now, what are we going to do?" Mia asked with worry dripping in her voice.

"Don't worry, we won't die, I won't let that happened." He said with a sweet smile. Who knew that I was going to see that smile for the last time.

My own heart started to beat fast and suddenly a sharp pain arose in my head and everything blurred. I blinked but my vision did not clear in the least. My vision was moving to the darkness from blurriness. I tried to speak something but it was in vain.

I blackout just as I felt our car jerk very hard. Everything disappeared as darkness enveloped me.


Third Person P.O.V

A big truck appeared to hit the car in which Aminos were sitting. The time was above midnight as the highway was deserted, and he was standing at some distance to enjoy the live telecast with his own bare eyes.

The truck mercilessly hit the car which somersaulted three times on the road before coming to a stop upside down. The silent night echoed by a sharp feminine shriek.

He had already placed a bomb beneath the car when he had finished the brake and tire-puncture task. He had planned everything two months ago and now everything had gone smoothly.

He pushed the button which he was holding in his hand and a loud boom sounded. The air filled with hazes as black smoke was rising towards the sky: making horrible patterns. The car was totally burned as the yellow-orange flames of fire danced in the atmosphere.

"Three done and one to go. After this, it's your turn, Max Amino." He murmured under his breath with a smirk plastered on his lips. He was covered in black from head to toe. Black jeans with a black hoodie covering his face with a black mask just revealing his deep, deathly-blue eyes.

He watched the whole death game with his eyes and enjoyed it. There was a satisfied smirk on his lips. He had been waiting for it for so long. He stayed to observe the scene a little longer just to ensure that they were dead.

He put his hand out of his jeans pocket along with a phone and dialed the helpline number. After cutting the call, he looked again at the burned mess. "This is just the beginning." He said to himself before he laughed loudly and put his hands back in his jeans pocket before walking past the accident area.


The air was filled with black steam with heat evaporating from it, the smell of burning, and the smell of wasted blood. Enough to give you nausea.

The wasted material of a burned car.

What do you think, what destiny wants from Marietta? Is this her destiny to die and the end of everything? End of her dreams and end of the mystery of that blackness and nightmares. End of the mystery of that person with Dark-Deep Blue eyes.

If you think it's the end then you are very wrong because it is just the beginning of what destiny has planned for her.

It is the beginning of everything.

Beginning of unbearable reality.

Beginning of the story of revenge and hatred.

Love and lies.

Truth and tales.

Mortals and Immortals.

Crystal World and Dark World.

A journey of a Princess to Queen of 2 worlds.