Marietta P.O.V

"Is it possible this guy and your super cool masked savior are one?" He said and I stopped the urge to scream in frustration.

"Are you mad?" I said in a calm voice.

"I mean if my Masked Savior wanted to kill me then why the hell he would save me!?" I snapped, taking out my all exhaustion at him.

"I think he must have some big plans and rescuing you is the part of it just to earn your trust. So that he could harm you when the right time comes according to him!" He snapped back with a poker face.

"Yes and you're his crime partner, right?" I clenched my jaw hard.

How could he even think that about my Masked Savior? I knew my Savior was innocent and unable to prove it just like me.

"I surely am not his partner in crime. I'm just trying to think in a way and I have a right to suspect anyone." His poker expression deepened with a huge frown never leaving his face.

"Have you ever meet my savior?" I asked with gritted teeth.

"No." He said.

"Then how could you predict him bad and harmful when you have never met him?" I tried to knock some sense in his head.

"Just tell me one thing. Why he only shows up when you are in trouble? Why not in some leisure time? And... A big question, how did he save you back then at accident night?" He questioned with gritted teeth and glared hard at me.

Here I went silent for a moment because I didn't know what to say. How did she save me? She was my savior and she only showed up in trouble, that's right, no argument over that. Besides she was a girl, not a guy. Two, she had green eyes not blue. So, it was pretty clear that she was a friend, not a foe.

I had never told him that she was a girl. Perceiving my savior as a guy made him piss off for no reason and I loved to irritate him.

"Do you have any kind of problem with my savior? Because stop blaming him. I trust him more than myself. Alright?" I warned him, pointing my index finger at him, and added, "DON'T TRY AGAIN TO SUSPECT MY SAVIOR! If I'm alive today it's just because of him!" I yelled in anger. I had clenched my jaw so tight that now it was hurting.

"You know what? Just go to hell! Here I'm trying to help you and you're fighting with me because of a mysterious bastard." He snapped aggressively as a vein in his neck popped up.

That was it. I hopped out of the car and shut the door with a loud thud. He popped his head out of the window and yelled. "Now where are you going?"

"In Hell!" I yelled, smiling angrily, and started to walk.

Idiot! The world's biggest jerk! He didn't even bother to come behind me, instead, he drove past me and left me here alone without any phone and money. Stupid!

I didn't know how much I walked. I only felt the boiling of my blood and the throbbing pain in my head. How dared he said such words for my savior. I wasn't sad neither hurt but angry.

I stopped once my feet started to ache because of walking and my high-heel sandals were not helping me either. I bent down and slid out of sandals. Then I looked around only to found a park aside. A sad smile broke down on my lips as the old sweet memories of my childhood refreshed in a blink.

Picking my sandals in one hand, I visited the whole park barefooted with lots of memories were playing on the wall of my mind. I felt the moist grass tickling my skin. Childhood was the best period of life with no worries. A lone tear escaped my eye looking at the tree which I used to climb.

After wandering in the whole park and catching the attention of so many people as I was walking barefooted with sandals in one hand. At last, I sat on a bench beneath a tree.

I thought about my fight with Veward. I should have told him about my Masked Savior instead of yelling at him. That she was a girl with green eyes not a guy with dark-deep blue eyes.

Masked Savior was always covered in black from head to toe with a masked hiding her face just revealing her grassy green eyes, long lashes, and perfect eye makeup. As much as they had the same dressing style still they both had different personalities.

I sighed and looked in front of me. Some children were playing football happily. A light blow of wind made my hair splattered over my face as I brushed them away. Then I saw with my peripheral vision that someone sat beside me. I angled my head to found a familiar face smiling at me.

"Do you remember me?" I asked, passing her a soft smile.

"Yes, dear." She smiled. She had worn a yellow knee-length dress with her white shinny hair tied up in a bun. Her golden eyes were sparkling like a sun. She was the old lady who bumped into my car on accident night. The old lady who gave me a weird wish on my birthday.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Pretty fine in my old age." She said with her smile never leaving her face.

I again looked back on the children, playing at some distance yet in front of me. I had so many mysteries to solve, too many answers to find. And to my luck, I had nothing in my hand, not even a prove to make everyone believed in my innocence.

I had to found that blue-eyed guy and the connection of my strange nightmare with him, also the mystery behind my so-called nightmare of darkness. What happened to me in the car? Where I spend 48 hours of my life? How did I come home? If Masked Savior brought me back then how? Except for all these mysteries, I had nothing in my hand.

I sighed with frustration as my head was aching too much. Caging my head in my palms, I closed my eyes.

"Nothing is permanent. Don't stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is..." I looked at the old lady. Her voice felt like a melody to my ears. " will change." She finished her sentence with a big bright smile.

"How?" I asked her. How would it change? There was nothing to help me. There was no way out just like my nightmare; an endless alley of darkness.

"When Everything Seems Dark, Consider...You May Be The Light." She said with a soft smile and a strange twinkle in her eyes that I smiled too. She knew nothing about me but still, it felt she knew everything.

Before I could ask her something else she handed me a phone. I looked at her confused but took the phone anyway.

"Might be you need this." She said and stood up. I assessed the phone and... It was mine!!!

I looked up again but she was gone with no signs of her. I stood up to find her somewhere near me when the phone in my hand rang, it was Anna calling me. I ignored it and ran a little in the hope to find her somewhere near me but of no use. She just vanished somewhere, making my heart skipped several beats at a time.

Who was she?

The phone in my hand rang again and this time, I answered it.

"Hello princess! Are you there?" I put the phone to my ear absent-mindedly. Anna's voice boomed in my ear.

"Princess, are you listening? Where are you? Ma'am Emily is asking for you. She is really worried. Just come home wherever are you." She spoke but I found myself unable to respond to her.

"What just happened?" I whispered, releasing my breath I was holding since she disappeared after handing back my phone.

"What happened? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know." I whispered back. "Anna, I'm in a park. Please send someone to pick me. I don't have money." I said, embracing myself. Before she could answer my phone goes off; battery dead.

I ran my hand through my hair and looked around suspiciously. My body was slightly trembling and my heart was beating madly. It wouldn't be a lie if I said I was damn scared.

Her words echoed in my mind. 'When Everything Seems Dark, Consider... You May Be The Light.'

'I may be the light! RIGHT! I don't need to walk for hope in the darkness. I am my own hope. I am the light. A sparkle of hope which will remove all the darkness from my life.'

But... Who was she?


Veward P.O.V

My blood was boiling right now with anger. I had clenched my fist so tightly that my knuckles had gone white. We bickered over unknown Masked savior bullshit. She had to understand that not all people were trustworthy and trusting a stranger, it wasn't a sane thing to do.

Hell, she never listened to me.

That person in the footage made me suspicious over two people; Masked Savior and Liam. That explained why I was standing in the elevator of Watson Enterprises. The elevator was moving upward towards the 30th floor where his office was situated in the middle of the building.

Once the door opened with the sound of ding, controlling my anger I looked up, when Liam who was entering the elevator stopped midtrack. He motioned his PA to dismiss and entered inside with surprised expressions.

"What are you doing here?" He asked once he pressed the down floor button.

"I want to talk to you." I said, looking at him.

"You only have five minutes." He smirked.

"Let's cut the crap then. You said there was no camera, right?" I asked with a calm smile.

"Where?" His brows creased.

"You know what I am saying..." I said, stepping closer to him. He remained silent calculating my expression.

"Liam, there was a camera during accident time and someone disappeared that footage. But to his bad luck, another camera captured him and I know who it was!" This time, I smirked.

"Really? Then you should inform cops about it. But I don't understand... What all this have to do with me?" He said, calmly looking directly into my eyes.

"That person has blue eyes and a muscular built." I said as Marie's words of 'dark-deep blue eyes' echoed in my mind.

"You have blue eyes mister!" He smirked.

"As much as I know there is a thing available in the market called lense. Eye lenses of all colors, no?" I smirked back.

"I am a busy person and you're clearly wasting my time." He said, looking at his wristwatch.

"Where did you get the footage of Marie getting in Al's car?" I asked.

"How stupid question is this! Of course from the hotel." He said with a chuckle.

"Really! Then I have something to show you." I said as I played a video of him on my phone, going inside the control room and almost 30 minutes later leaving.

"What are you doing here?" I smirked.

The door of the elevator opened with a ding and we both looked towards it.

"I'm not obliged to answer you." He snapped, glaring at me.

"I will find it out. Soon!" I chuckled as I moved out of it, leaving him there. I had played a triumph card now wait for the outcomes.