Caroline P.O.V

I sucked a sharp breath in when I left the office. A blow of wind hit my face when I came out, I deeply inhaled, trying my best to subside my anger.

It didn't matter how hard I was trying to overcome the trauma of my brother's death, she always found a way to get on my nerves. Oh god!

She always did that, stole my things. First my parents, then my brother and now my company. I had worked hard to reach the position I had today. What she ever had done? She had got all the shares and everything served on a golden platter while I had worked hard to get everything. I would never let her take what's mine, not this company nor the business, and don't even mention the chairmen position.

Putting my mirrors on, I walked towards my car. My driver opened the door for me. Instead of sitting inside, I showed him my hand and said, "Car keys."

Without asking anything he handed me the keys. I hopped on the driving seat and revived the engine.