Mike P.O.V

"Where there is a will, there is a way." These words were dancing inside my mind. "I have a will but where is the way?" I exhaled loudly.

I had become a real whitehead dumb. Everyone had powers to help the princess and here I was with no powers.

"I should do something to help her. I have too and I will." I determined loudly.

"Are you talking to yourself?" I heard a melodious voice of Snow.

"No!" I lied.

"Of course, you are. I hear you saying something like will or way. What?" She asked angrily by budging her beautiful grey eyes out at me.

I mischievously grinned. "Nothing really," I said. "I was thinking about Annabella's weakness."

"Yeah, time is coming near but we have nothing to protect ourselves from her." She sounded worried.

"Maybe.....we have one way," I said because suddenly something bumped into my mind. She looked at me confused. "I'll meet you later."