"If you wanted to be a Queen,

then stop playing as a princess."

Marietta P.O.V

"Understood?" I said and looked at three of them. I was in my office cabin with Bre, Veward, and Walter standing in front of me with lots of incomprehensible expressions like I have grown four heads.

"Hold on!" Bre said and sat on the chair in front of my desk. I was sitting calmly on my head chair. Walter was still looking at me with an intense gaze and arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I speak in English, right?" I said and they all passed a look. "What's wrong with you guys? I'm telling you a solution to everything. Isn't it great?" I winced totally annoyed.

"Does Darren transfer his creepy brain in your head before dying?" Veward finally broke his silence of the previous one hour, or should I say of the previous seven days. I told them the idea of catching the real culprits red-handed. It was creepy but it will work for sure.

"I think so," Walter mumbled in Veward agreement.