
A boy holding a sign up, close to the escalators. " David Mathews" Those are the handwritten words. Staring up and sideways to catch this person. Another boy walks close to him, carrying some luggage. They both stare at the fewer stares until one realizes that the person he has been waiting for is beside him. Oh shucks "David, is you? Says a light skin boy with brown eyes, slightly tall, and an enthusiastic personality.

David: Yeah, you must be my roommate.

Ethan: I'm Ethan, (greeting him as he carries one of his bag's)

So how was the flight?

David: I slept through it

Ethan: Who doesn't right? By the way, we are starting our first class next week Tuesday

David: What!!, you said we have two weeks to prepare.

Ethan: did I? Mmm. I'm not up to date myself

David: Yeah, I can see that

Ethan: But we still got like 4 days left so we will make it work

Outside the airport

Taxi!! (Stopping one of the cabs )