Growing Pains.

●Love is not Dying.

Have you ever been empty of tears? Have you cried but your voice be on mute? Have the thought of rope hanging or knife poking or pill overdosing or poison swallowing or better pistol triggered been an easy escape from that moment they call 'weakness'? or seemed like the best solution or the best suitable alternative of peace? Have you ever fallen so deep that space seemed measurable? Have ye ever suffocated by oxygen, same oxygen you breathe in, same air you live with? No? Yes?

Julia: Yes, the hopeless feeling.

In a room scattered with documents stood a girl with her head down. Despair filled her eyes, two, three, four... Six pills swallowed. Sent with an alcohol drop. She ...falls into a deep sleep.

Somewhere in her mind:

The Fall-out.

After a heated argument, words said that can't be taken back. Hearts left on the lifeline. Unfortunately, there is no medicine to heal a broken heart says a cardiologist. One tear escapes wiped off quickly.