There are times in which you would have already set your mind on something as you feel that it's what you really want but then things change so suddenly that you can't even explain and you then realise that this is what's best for you.
This was exactly what happened to me. A few weeks after Ali and i had that discussion, having just returned from Umrah and our tour in France and England, a Muslim journalist visited us.
She was very kind and talked wisely. She knew what happened to me through a friend and had come all the way from Canada to hear my full story. She said if she could publish it and any TV show is interested, i could get my own live TV show to help lives.
I was overwhelmed with joy because that was really what i wanted and it was the best way to help those out there who needed guidance and love. I expressed my gratitude to Allah that night by performing 'Sujudush shukr'.