Marriages are not always perfect, there would be a time in which everything would feel so wrong and there would be a time which you would feel on top of the world.

A little secret i know is that if you want a really good marriage, you should always be there for your spouse, always be ready to hear them out. Even though they are not willing to say anything, force them, do something, prepare their favorite dish and make them talk.

The only way you would be able to live with your spouse peacefully is if you understand each other. And it's not only that, you have to show them that.

Ten years into my marriage and i've been blessed with a wonderful family. My husband and my twins children have been the best thing life has given me. Alhamdulillah!

Hassana and Hussein made Ali and i closer. I gave birth to them six years after getting married. And they've been like angels.

"Mummy, i hurt my hand." Hussein came to meet me in the kitchen, shedding tears.