Prepared to die....





My eyes were still closed, we were still falling, I could still feel Ruby's hands around me, her head pressed to my shoulder, I smiled, are we going to fall forever, I thought.

It was getting really cold and my clothes were starting to get moist. Suddenly the wind increased, swaying us from side to side, something was approaching and I could feel it, it was approaching real fast.

The mist didn't clear even as the wind blew strongly, everywhere was still as white as snow, in no time something approached as fast as light, it tried to grab Ruby but failed, I didn't get to see what it was, it was so fast. I held Ruby tighter than before, I could feel her hands also tightened behind my back, she didn't raise her head neither did she flinch.

The next minute another was approaching, I concentrated my eyes as I felt it's presence draw closer, it dragged Ruby oversized polo but Ruby held on to me tightly and it failed again.

This time I saw it, it was the same creature from the cave but there was a little difference, this one's had wings and were faster than the previous ones.

I could feel Ruby hot tears burning through my shoulder, she had started crying again. What was I going to do, I had no control over the wind, I couldn't fly and I couldn't fight back without leaving Ruby.

There was absolutely nothing I could do than to hold Ruby tighter but my luck ran out as three of the flying creatures flew around me, I couldn't get a steady look at them as they were flying in circles at high speed, they dragged Ruby one after the other tearing at my hands with their fingers to weaken my grip, blood spread across my hands but still I didn't let go.

They didn't stop tearing at my hands either, the pain was becoming unbearable, I couldn't hold on any longer, tears gathered in my eyes, I let go of one bruised hand and held her with the other, we were now arms away from each other, I looked at Ruby, surprisingly she wasn't crying any longer, she was smiling as hot tears trickled down her bruised cheeks, the pain I felt in my heart choked me, the tears in my eyes threatened to drop but I fought it back, nevertheless it was no use the tears tricked down at its own free will.

The creatures were still flying in circles at high speed and would finish the job any time soon; my bruised hands won't last long holding Ruby. Just then another scratch came to my already bruised hands, I could feel the pain, it was deep but I didn't flinch, another aggressive scratch came, the pain kept increasing as they scratched my hands continuously.

Later I couldn't feel any pain, it all went numb, it was as if the creatures weren't there just me and Ruby staring at each other, eye to eye, death was just a few steps away, she had accepted fate.

The final scratch came even though I couldn't feel the pain my brain knew my hands had reached its limits, our fingers brushed each other as we were separated, Ruby whispered her last words which I couldn't hear clearly but the movement of her lips looked like something that said I LOVE YOU. My heart sank; she was taking up by the creatures into the mist while I fell deeper beneath. The creatures vanished with her into thin air, just as they left I landed into a deep stream.....

To be continued..