

“The temperature’s fine, right?”

Professor Collins checks the thermostat and all of us stand in line with a throbbing head, tired hands and nervous faces.

“I think this works just fine. It’s warm enough.” The electrician stifles a yawn and Zach crosses his arms dangerously.

“It’s enough when I say it’s enough.”

“I’ll have to re-open it to fix it to get it warmer. That’s a lot of work, dude.”

“And you will. I want this room hot enough for me to fry your lazy ass on it.”

“Yes sir. It’s perfect.” I cough coherently as I recall the hard work that went into fixing it.

Collins goes towards the beds and inspects a few of them before stopping at one.

“This sheet looks a bit dirty. Did they send in an old piece?”

“Lily, are you drinking kerosene these days? That’s a used sheet!”

“Oh, come on! The only store open was giving out sets of fifty. And we needed 354. I fell short of four so I got it from some of the hostel people.”

“I need you to dispose off your stash immediately, you’ve lost your head. We CAN’T be using used old, slept in sheets.”

“Dello. It’s a difficult hour for all of us. And blind dumbo Collins is no laundry sheriff. He won’t even get it.”

“And we need extra in store.”

“Which we will. It’s just a matter of time. We sneak in tomorrow, replace the four and store the spare. It’ll be a smoothie.”

“Yes, Sir. They might have. You know stores these days. We’ll replace them.” Lily speaks up with a nervous laugh and I glare at her through narrow eyes.

“Yes, see that you do, Preston. And I assume there’s spare?”

Oh god.

“Of course.” Lily is such a great actor. I bite my lip in anticipation. How does she do this so smooth.

“And did you get the cleaners I told you about? Because there’s some dust on these windowsills.”

“I just hope this ends well.”

“It will. And your worrying is not going to help.”

Nate and I have been dusting the windows since the last ten minutes and our voices were muffled due to the cloth around our faces from the eyes below.

I turn anxious and thrust the broom too violently causing some of the dust specs to fall on me and I sneeze! Thrice, one after another.

“I’ve got-…. sinus-….. sensitivity.” I manage to say within sneezes.

“I could tell. Look at you, you’re a mess. Here take this.”

Nate puts his navy blue hoodie on my shoulders and I look up to him quizzically.

“It’s falling all over you.”

He explains and I look down to indeed see my skin battered with grey particles. I rub them off and snuggle into his clothing, getting my hair out of the way, loving the feel and fragrance of it.

God, this has got to be the first good thing of the day so far.

“Plus you don’t want to be standing like that when Collins comes.”

Why does he always have to be right? I was barely clothed in anything presentable. It looked like I just woke up. Which I did but Collins didn’t need to know that. I turn and regret immediately.

Nate is now in his black vest and his perfect arms are on perfect display.

I map the green veins travelling all along his skin up to his shoulders and his neck where it thickened, up to his face where he was-

“You’re too distracted, Adalanna. You might leave the corner unclean.”

I fail to reply, just blush and look up to his blue eyes, now amused.

“And close your mouth too.” I close it immediately under the cloth and return to my task. Wait how did he know my mouth wa-

“Yes sir, they might have missed the corner. I’ll get it done.”

I speak embarrassed as I burst my knuckles in the pockets. To be precise, in the pockets of Nathaniel Alderidge's hoodie. The one who is looking straight ahead, trying to fight back a smile. Bloody handsome jerk.

Collins walks around casually and looks almost convinced. I pray that he is.

“Well then, the rest seems to be alri-“

“S-I-I-I-I-R!!!!” “N-O-O-O!!!” “DUDE!”

Collins was about to sit on the bed but stops just in time after our unanimous shrieks.

Did Zach just call him DUDE?!?

“Sawyer, everything else seems to be done. How much longer? Collins will be here in ten.”

“Alanna, it’s wood. It takes time. I’ve repaired it but the adhesive is fresh. It’s going to take at least half an hour more to stick properly.”

“It won’t collapse after that, right?”

“It won’t. But it definitely will, before those thirty minutes.”

Collins looks at us, standing shocked and confused as if he’s seen a ghost.

“The teams will be here any minute.” I say quietly trying to sound convincing. Hoping he buys it. Thankfully he does.

“You’re right. I have no time to sit. So-“

We had got four halls ready in four hours, with the lights changed, thermostats repaired, beds fixed and windows cleaned.

Josh’s brother had been a fairy godmother and the place looked nothing less than pristine, possessing every ounce of perfection St. Stephen’s was expected to have.

Minus the three vulnerable beds, few corners of uncleaned windows and four used bedsheets.

It would seem that for once, Sofia Richman had done the best work with the flawless curtains.

“-it’s perfect. Well done, people. And thank you, Alanna.”

Collins leaves and pin drop silence prevails till his footsteps echo after which a loud session of squeals and hoots break out!

Zach and Josh get into a bro hug, Lily attacks me with a bear hug of her own, while even Sofia stood smiling.

“I knew it! God, we should send in one of our own sequels to Harry Potter adventures!” Lily screeched into my ears and I hugged her back with a laugh, trying to balance myself.

At a distance I spot Nate picking up the brooms from under the beds and I fee a strange feeling bubbling inside.

He looks at me just in time and I mouth him a small ‘thank you’ that I mean every bit of.

He smiles a slow, tired and shy smile with a small nod and blinks reassuringly.

And in this moment I know that Nathaniel Alderidge will never let me fail.


“I’m Jessica. I’m with the St. Joseph’s.”

“Nice to meet you Jessica. I’m Alanna.” Red haired Jessica seems to be of the same height as me and I almost start getting bored of small talk. I don’t do small talk; “can’t” silent in that sentence.

“So you’re the chairperson?"

“I am.”

“That’s so incredib-“

“Alanna, a moment please. Excuse us.” I pass a small smile to Jessica as Professor Collins ushers me to a side.

He continues looking forward, standing beside me and I follow his gaze to a hall full of people. Coach Priestley and the rest of the Student Council has joined us in welcoming the teams and helping settle them in.

“Everything seems to be going well.”

“It is all well, sir.”

“Now please tell me there are enough beds.”

“6 schools, 12 basketball players, 11 football players, 1 tennis player, 11 hockey players, 1 swimmer, 4 relay runners, 10 cheerleaders, 6 coaches and 3 representatives, coming to a total of 354 people. We have 355 beds so yes. We do have enough sir.”

“That’s quite a lot of people. I hope you’re keeping a list.”

“Safe in my pocket.”

“Thank you, Alanna. Elections really played fair this time.”

“Anytime. And oh, sir, I’m really, REALLY sorry for today morning. I had been sleeping and I didn’t kno-“

“Ah, nonsense. I had my share of some Sunday morning entertainment. And I got your number from the administration wing, I hope you don’t mind.” I smile as I shake my head.

“Good. And I’m assuming the second, more innovative and disturbed voice was Preston’s?” I chuckle lightly as I suppressed a laugh.

“Yes sir. I’m sorry again. She can be a bit, out of line sometimes.”

“As I said, Alanna, it’s fine. I’m not your professor when you’re not at college. Now having said that, the next time will buy you both detention.” He says playfully and I laugh this time.

To think I hated this man. He is an angel sent from above. Collins walks off leaving me grinning and relieved. Happy faces all over the room, constant voices to be heard. I can smell our hardwork paying off in the air.

“Tie your hair.” I turn immediately at the sudden voice and more so at the choice of words.

“Excuse me?”

“Tie your hair, Alanna.”

“I don’t- I don’t have a hair tie.”

“Then get one.”

“Nate, I don’t understand wha-“

“I’m well aware you don’t, which is why you got to listen sometimes when I tell you something.” He towers over me one last time with that louder than usual voice and I don’t understand what got into him suddenly.

“Is Nate okay?” I ask Lily who just comes over excitedly while I watch him walking out.


“He asked me to tie my hair.” She grins slyly and leans forward to whisper.

“I told you it was a turn on.” I roll my eyes irritated, while she giggles.

“By the way, Steve and I are going out for dinner okay, so get Zach to drop you. Or should I say, Mr. ‘Tie your hair’?” She mimics a deep, almost masculine voice and I roll my eyes.

“Shut up. Give me your car. I’ll drive back.”

“That’s what we’re using, dipshit.” I groan.

I need a car.

I can’t just depend on rides like these. And I don’t really think public transport will be an option this late.

Lily goes off and the students are almost settled in which makes me think that I should leave too.

But then Nate has left and Zach is nowhere to be spotted. Should I take a cab?

You will not travel alone, is it clear?

God! Nathaniel Alderidge .

I bobble my head all around trying to find Zach.


I find a guy talk to me as I turn around. Tall, lean, muscular, gelled hair, hands in pocket. He would’ve looked good if I hadn’t seen better. And I had, seen better.

“Uh, hey.”

“You looking for someone?”

“Yeah, a- friend.”

“It’s okay, you can say boyfriend.”

Zach? Boyfriend? This guy is way over to be formal.

“Uh no, no he’s not- he’s not my boyfriend.”

“Alright, I believe you.” He smiles slightly and I chuckle.

“I know I must be looking like a conventional deserted damsel in distress an-“

“Tiny bit more beautiful.”

“Oh. Um, thank you?” A short pause ensues before he speaks again. I don’t know why, but his sudden compliment takes me by surprise and I blush.

“I’m, Axel. Cordon.” He forwards his hand and I take it shaking it lightly.

“Alanna Callister.”

“That’s an equality beautiful name. I need to get over the sound of it.”

“Ha! I-“

“And we need to get out of here.”

Author's note:

I need a Nathaniel. ASAP.

Deadlines, group activities, saving the day. What can be better.

Collins has swag. ** sigh **

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