Chapter One.

"There was a time when all the humans came together and faced a common enemy.No matter what their gender was or what the colour of their skin was , their differences were forgotten as the whole world joined arms to fight the angels and demons when they attacked earth.For a very long time the war was one sided as the angels and demons had have the upper hand. They always had. Many lives were lost, devastation reigned the world, hunger was nothing new, half the world was destroyed, humans were being pushed to the end. All that was left only a single landmass where the humans were able to hold their ground against their enemies, all seemed lost as they had no where else to run. Before them were armies of demons and angels ready to end them behind them was an endless sea. All that they knew as home was gone, the few who believed that they would be saved by some divine being ceased to believe and finally humans were left to depend on themselves .Those were dark times indeed as every pillar that built the human world and society was torn down and humanity fell down with nothing to hold on to. Those who could not take it broke down and went mad as that was the only escape, cause death was not an option as he had also abandoned them.

The demons and angels knew that they had won the war, however they did not take into account the most powerful weapon humans had, a weapon so great that it made war go on for over one hundred years. A weapon that only humans could harness, a weapon called Hope. One might think that it was the act of hoping that made humans survive but that is not quite it. Well it did start as the ability of humans to strongly believe that no matter how bad the situation got they would come out victorious in the end, that might as well be it, as winning does start from the state of the mind, as the years went on and the war raged, humans were pushed past their limit and so they were able to harness their Hope into a weapon so great that it was able to destroy the demonic and angelic armies in one blow. No one knows where it came from or who it came from. Maybe it was inside the humans all that time they just needed to break free of their limits in order to activate and use it.

Those who were able to use it,explained that it resonated from deep inside ones heart and you could feel it creeping into your arms and hands where it came out as a great destructive beam of energy that destroyed all that it came in contact with.At last after years of war the humans got an upper hand and fought back.Their enemies were overwhelmed so much that in a matter of weeks the humans had reclaimed the whole land mass as theirs and had killed so many of their enemies that the angels and demons had no other choice but to surrender an outcome that had never been expected but the humans had become so strong that the demons and angels feared that they would have been completely wiped out. Surrender seemed like their only chance of survival.

However, years of war and devastation could not appease the humans by a simple surrender. The humans were bitter and angry and more powerful than their enemies, they did what any animal that was pushed to its limit for so long and finally snapped would do, they attacked their enemies ruthlessly obliterating them,leaving no survivors, wiping out every a single trace of their footsteps from the earth. With their weapon,'Hope" humans killed off every angel and demon that was on earth. It might have been seen as unnecessary as they had already surrendered but humans are not known for their merciful nature are they?

And so "The End", A war that had gone on for hundred of years ended within a matter of weeks with the humans winning and total destruction to the angels and demons. Those demons and angels that did survive fled the earth in fear for their lives and not a single one was ever seen again.There was fear that they may return to avenge their fallen comrades but with human ability to use Hope plus the certain traits that the wielders of Hope got, that is black angel wings and golden demon eyes we were confident that we would be able to fight them when and if they ever returned and waged another war against humans again. These traits were the spoils of war that the humans obtained, think of it as simply leveling up. Once again the humans ruled the earth this time with no interference from the other realms,the humans became their own masters finally recognized and feared by the others."

"Excuse me teacher" Rishio turned to see a student with their hand up.

"Yes please"

"We know how the war was fought and how it was won but how does our history have anything to to with being an Alpha and omega?" they asked

"Does my introduction suck that much?' Rishio asked with a chuckle that earned a few chuckles in return, " I would have loved to start right away by this damn institution policy is that whenever I teach about the two genders I must teach a little bit of history. I know it sucks but apparently you are all failing in your exams so, here we are." Rishio added with a smile.

"But I was getting to that, after the war,it went without saying that nothing would be as it was before,however some laws of the universe just never change;an example of such a law is that everything has a price which was seen coming to be as soon as the war ended. Physical changes in the humans were noticed as we were no longer divided into male and female but we were also divided into two new categories ; Alpha and Omega.

The alphas were all those who were able to wield the weapon Hope while omegas were all those that could not wield it.Alphas could not only wield and use the weapon but they had evolved to be of a bigger build than the omegas, with a more muscular body than the omegas and towered the omegas, so you can imagine why they got the name Alphas.This was later discovered that they had to have a more muscular form than the omegas in order for their bodies to be able to use Hope and not collapse,whereas the omega form was petite and less muscular but do not let looks fool you the omegas could as well take and give back hits, they did survive "The End".Since their could not use Hope their bodies did not take a muscular frame, making the omegas stand out very much from the alphas.It was quite a shock when this was first discovered and as one would imagine and since humans do not do well with strange and new changes we did not handle it well. One would think that we would have learned from our ancestors and not hate each other because of very minor differences but we did the actual opposite.The alphas, who felt that they were better than the omegas ,started mistreating them abusing them because of their "weaker nature". Driving out the omegas from their homes because they were seen as different and not worthy,leading to a start of another war.Can you believe that? We just cannot get enough death and destruction can we?

At the end the omegas had enough and moved away from the alphas and made their own settlement at the further end of the land where they build houses and a made a town, which grew into a kingdom called Myra The Kingdom Of Omegas where for a long time they thrived. Since they had the highland area of the land, the omegas tilled the land and had got great amounts and quality of produce,there were also able to domesticate the animals that had been left by the demons and angels since the original animals of earth did not survive and those that did changed into ferocious beasts, courtesy of the demons. Using the surviving technology that was from the time before, the omegas were able to make machinery which came in handy for the production of finished goods. For renegades, according to alphas, the omegas exceeded that what the other gender thought of them as the weaker and more useless group of humans ."Rishio finished with a sarcastic tone.

"The alphas had also taken steps forward , sadly" Rishio added."They stayed behind on their part of the land where they named it Jyruma The Kingdom of Alphas.As fate would have it the alphas had access to most of the surviving buildings and technology, so not only did they have the most dangerous weapon they had the best part of history that would jump start their own kingdom. After renovations here and there their kingdom was up and running, since they were beside the sea their source of food was sea food.

All seemed to be fine when something was noticed, no children were being born in either kingdoms. Neither of both kingdoms knew this since they did not have a good relationship. As years passed the alpha and omega population begun to reduce to the point where humans were facing extinction... again. Desperate times call for desperate measures, the alpha leader reached out to the omega leader to meet in effort to try and find out how to stop the extinction of the humans. Of course the omegas were not ready to accept this show of friendliness after all the alphas put them through but desperate times. As both genders did not want either of each other in their territories, the leaders agreed to meet on neutral territory at the banks of the river that divided their territories. Both the alphas and omegas had expectations on how the meeting would go down but no one would have ever expected it to go the way it went. Immediately the alpha company and the omega company met..." Rishio paused and let out a laugh

"This always gets me every time." Rishio said as she looked at the students who had confused looks as to why Rishio was laughing.

"Anyway when they meet, the alphas went into rut while the omegas when into heat because of each others pheromones and it was at that moment that it was discovered that the alpha and omega were to be our new genders.How ? You may ask well this is because they well..mated. I am saying mated because that is the word I am allowed to use in front of kids ." Some gasps and snickers spread through the class.

"This lasted for a week, during that time no one was in their right mind so you can all imagine the confusion that was there when everyone came to. In addition to that the omegas discovered that the all had bite marks on their napes which is called "Marking" in current times a mark is seen as union between an alpha and omega but then they had no idea what was going on that they thought it was a sign of aggression from the alphas. As any sane person would do, they wanted to counter attack but found out that they could not do physically do that as the mark was a sign of submission to ones alphas.

This was seen as a great disadvantage to the omegas as that would mean that they are totally defenseless from alphas but this was quickly corrected when an alpha tried to attack an omega but was almost killed by a fellow alpha for harming their omega. It was then discovered that although the omegas do submit to the alphas after they are marked, the alphas are driven to protect their omegas to the point of losing every once of sanity when their omega is in danger. This was cleverly named "Instinct Mode" IM for short. When an alpha goes into IM the only thing that can bring them back is their omega and a whole lot of not talking.

Alphas have been known to go on rampage after they lose their omegas, so be safe kids.

After the shock had finally left their system, the alpha and omega leaders decided it was best to head back to their respective kingdoms and think of what the next step would be. Many months passed and soon two things were discovered; one even adults can lose their reasoning and two the omegas who accompanied the omega leader to the "meeting" were pregnant including the leader themself. Another thing was also discovered no matter male or female omegas could get pregnant.The leader sent word to the Alpha leader who was beyond shocked but arranged for the same alpha company to go to Myra where they met very confused and pregnant omegas. Every alpha was paired with their omega but they had to live outside Myra since the omegas were not too welcoming, they decided to make settlements where they were supposed to have the meeting and soon nine months later after a very long time theories of newborns were heard. The paired alphas and omegas decided to live where they had settled, since the other alphas and omegas were not much to welcoming to each other. They build families and houses which resulted town a called Lynama which is where we are and as time passed it became the capital of the joined Kingdom of alphas and Omegas, Rylemaa. The two kingdoms merged to be one as more and more alphas and omegas got paired. One may ask what happened to the married alpha couple and married omega couples. The theory is that, the compatibility of being with an alpha rather than an omega and vice versa was so great that the former couples immediately forgot about each other after they paired with the other gender. Well oof if I do say so myself" Rishio added.

"With the two genders together again, they decided on new pronouns as 'he and she' were seen as well irrelevant , the pronouns that were till today to be used to identify the different genders were " yey and gur" for the omegas and alphas respectively. But you already know this.

That is the end of today's lesson, am Rishio Maastriel call me Maastriel Yey an as you can see by the lack of wings, fangs, a muscular body and golden eyes I am an omega. I will be your teacher this year on anatomy of the alphas and omegas." Rishio said while smiling at yey'r class.