Chapter Seven.

Rishio ended up staying overnight at the hospital, Ourine's fever broke but vas was yet to wake up,

"This is normal." Ber assured yey'r earlier in the morning when gur came in for Ourine's check up.

Naama and Orish left the previous day after visiting hours were over with Naama promising Rishio a change of clothes when yey came back.

Currently Rishio was from having breakfast from a cafe outside the hospital premises, as an unaccompanied omega, as the alphas put it could not purchase anything within the hospital. Rishio did not care enough to fight against such a stupid rule resulting to yey'r having breakfast outside the hospital premises.

When Rishio returned to Ourine's room yey was meet by a wide awake Ourine who seemed to smile when vas saw yey'r. As yey approached Ourine's bed yey could not help but smile back at the way vas wiggled in what seemed like excitement.

"Great to see that you alive, you gave me quite a scare" Rishio said to the child as yey'r caressed vas' cheek,

"Do you have any idea what would happen to me if you died under my care? Death would seem like a pleasure." Rishio let out a chuckle at the sight of Ourine trying to bite yey'r finger.

In the midst of their conversation, Rishio's eye caught something that did not seem quite right, Ourine's left eye was a shade brighter in comparisoin of the latter black colour it always was. Giving it a better look Rishio saw it was more gold than black.

"So you are an alpha." Rishio mumbled under yey'r breath.

"Oh I see that the young alpha is awake." Ber asked while striding into the room startling Rishio.

"Ah, yes, wait you already knew Ourine would be an alpha?" Rishio asked.

"Well yes, gur would not be here if gur was an omega. Most omegas do not survive if not given the medicine within the first four days, alphas make it to one week although any further than that is too risky."

"Yet the medicine is only available to partnered omegas." Rishio added sarcastically.

Letting out a sigh Ber said turning to look at Rishio while leaning at the wall that faced yey'r, "You cannot win this war not yet but your child is alive and although it may not be a win to all the omegas out there,it is a win to you, so celebrate it."

Rishio knew that what the doctor said was not out of ill intentions,casting the doctor a side glance then looking back at Ourine yey let out a sigh of yey'r own then replied,

"For an alpha you do not spout nonsense, although you are right this child's recovery is a reason to celebrate." Rishio paused slightly as yey'r looked at the doctor who was smiling at yey'r.

"Tell me about gur'r eyes." Rishio inquired breaking the pause.

"Well,"Ber started pushing gur'rself from the wall walking towards the patient,

" It is a clear indication that gur is an alpha it will take one more week for gur's eyes to get their glorious golden color, also after one week gur's wings will start to develop you have to be extremely careful with those as they will be sensitive."

Rishio took notes of all that the doctor was saying yet in the back of yey'r mind yey could not help but ask yey'self if Ourine would be around for that long. Gur's parents could take gur at any time now.

Now why did that sting.

After long ramblings from Ber who was instructing Rishio on what to do from then on, finally Ber allowed them to go home, and Rishio could not be happier as yey was just about done with the sneers and snickers directed at yey'r and Ourine from the patients and the hospital staff.

It took yey'r almost an hour to clear out,it would have taken yey'r longer if Naama had shown up with Orish.

"Honestly how do you even have this much luggage from spending one night at the hospital?" Naama asked while heaving a bag through Rishio's door.

"I do not quite understand it myself." Rishio replied , following Naama inside yey'r house with a sleeping Ourine in yey'r arms.

"Well if that is all you need from me I need to go home before the kids come back from school." Naama said as yey slapped off the dust from yey'r clothes.

"How are you going to get back? Ryok is too tired to take you home from spending the night at that horrible pen at the hospital" Rishio inquired from yey'r friend.

"Well I have Orish." Naama replied puzzled by yey'r friends question.

Then it clicked to Rishio,"Oh I always forget that Orish can fly and carry you with gur." Rishio re[lied laughing at yey'r forgetfulness.

"Thank you you have been more than enough help." Rishio said warmly to yey'r, Naama's signature smirk appeared on yey'r lips,

"Just do not forget our deal." Yey started as yey headed towards the door, "Free drinks from now on." Naama said as yey waltz out of the door leaving Rishio chuckling at yey'r friend's actions.

"You have earned it." Rishio mumbled out after yey'r friend.

"I think you will be more comfortable on the bed, don't you think so?" Rishio asked the sleeping child in yey'r arms as yey turned to head towards yey'r room.

As yey placed the infant on the bed, a small blinking light that was to the left of the bed caught yey'r attention. As yey went to investigate the cause of it, yey found out that it was the ringer that came along with Ourine.

It was dormant until now and no matter what Rishio did it did not respond, so that means that yey had received a message from Ourine's parents. Yey dreaded this, yey felt a churn in yey'r stomach as a bitter taste took over yey'r mouth.

With heavy steps that made yey'r feel as if yey was made of lead, yey went out of yey'r room leaving the slumbering child at peace. Yey placed the ringer on the table and begun to pace as thoughts raced through yey'r head as to why they would contact yey'r now.

Did they know that their child almost died?

Or did they find out that yey had Naama involved?


Was all that raced through Rishio's mind.

Casting a bored look to at the ringer Rishio sighed,

"All I wanted was to eat , have a bath then go to sleep." Rishio said bitterly out loud. " Give me a break."

Giving in to what was bound to happen, Rishio pressed the blinking light and braced yey'r self for what was to come.

What came next was not what Rishio expected, Ourine's alpha parent was bleeding in the hologram, gur's arm missing and three deep claw marks ran across gur's body left and right with gur's right eye missing and next to gur was who Rishio assumed was Ourine's omega parent in a similar situation to yey'r alpha if not worse as yey clutched yey'r side to try and avoid yey'r stomach contents from pouring out. This scene made the already unsettled Rishio's stomach dry heave.

"Number 15, I bet you are surprised to see me." The alpha started arrogance clearly present in gur's voice but did not mask the pain that gur was going through.

Letting out a wince of pain the alpha continued,

"I will keep this short as you can see I do not have much time." The alpha paused to let out a pain filled groan as gur clutched tightly to gur's omega who was on yey'r last breathes.

"As you can see the situation did not go as planned, actually it went so bad that I am afraid we may have started another war against beings far more powerful this time, but I am not here for that, I have one last favor to ask you, about my child."

Rishio stopped yey'r dry heaving as yey'r attention was piqued to what the alpha was saying,


More powerful beings? Just who did these two mess with?

Yey had a looming feeling that whatever the alphas was about to say would be even more shocking.

The alpha changed gur's omegas position so that now yey was sitting on gur's laps, yey'r head on gur's shoulders as yey'r legs hang off gur's then started directly at Rishio gur's eyes filled with nothing but sincerity and said,

"Please take care of our child from now on, since it is clear that we will longer be able to do that." The alpha paused letting out pained coughs.

"I wish that I could tell you more but that would put both of you in danger so please put up with the selfishness of this alpha one last time, I have had the documents prepared all you need to do is sign them.I have sent them to you already , sign them and you have my dearest child as yours through adoption."

Rishio's body froze for a full second barely comprehending what was happening as yey went into a trance which was broken by the omega's voice.

"Rishy..." Yey started weakly.

Recognition slowly seeped into Rishio as yey turned to cast a careful look at the alpha's omega, a shiver racing down yey'r spine as yey realized who the omega was. Maybe it was because of the blood that matted on yey'r face that caused Rishio not to recognize yey'r at first but now Rishio was sure as day who the omega was, besides one does never forgets their savior.

"Nayio..." Rishio whispered out as the oh so familiar smile took over the hologram.

"Rishy, please raise Ourine for me you are the only one I can trust, I know it is a lot." Nayio paused letting a wave of pain wash over yey'r letting out small whimpers of pain ," But there is no one else who I can trust to do a good job as I know you will do."

Rishio clenched yey'r fist not daring to let the tears that were filling in yey'r eyes out. Yey watched as Nayio's alpha pulled yey'r closer every time pain washed over yey'r.

"Please tell my child that I loved vas and not to hate us too much because of not being there for vas, we did all this to try and make the world safer for vas even though we failed." Nayio said breaking into tears as yey talked.

"Tell vas to eat healthily and live a decent lifestyle, tell vas not to pick fights with anyone but if someone does pick a fight with vas let them know what you are made of, tell vas to always go to school and always complete vas schoolwork but most importantly let vas know just how proud we are that vas is our child whether vas is an alpha or an omega." Nayio paused to look at yey'r alpha who was crying into yey'r shoulder, casting a loving glance at gur then looking back at Rishio yey finished by saying,

"I am trusting you my most precious possession just like you did." Then the hologram was cut off abruptly.

Nayio last words made Rishio's tears flow as they held so much meaning behind them also there were a signal that Rishio would never hear from Nayio ever again.

"Damn elites." Rishio started, a smile on yey'r face but tears still flowing down,

" Doing whatever they want whenever they want forcefully making me adopt a child is a bit too selfish don't you think?" Rishio asked out to no one in particular.

Wiping off the tears from yey'r face Rishio grabbed the blinker and as promised the adoption papers were present and well in order all that was needed was yey'r signature.

Slumping down a chair defeated, Rishio scoffed then said to yey'rself,

" When it rains it fucking pours, well there is no going back now is there?"

In a quick action yey signed the hologram documents which caused the ringer to shut off immediately, for good this time Rishio had a feeling.

Laying yey'r head on the head of the chair and closing yey'r eyes Rishio said out loud,

"See that kid, that means you are mine now." To Ourine who was sleeping, clueless that gur may never meet gur's parents.

Rishio took deep breathes in order to calm down so that yey can calmly assess the current situation, but with nearly more than two weeks of no decent sleep, Rishio fell asleep.

There is only so much that a human body can take.


"Ishy! Ishhhyyyyyyy." Rishio heard yey'r name getting called out and could only dread what was in store for yey'r as yey went towards the caller who was in Ryok's pen.

Approaching Ryok's pen, yey heard the child's giggles and could not help but let out a sigh of exhaustion, which yey seemed to be doing since yey found gur five years ago.

Entering the pen, yey'r heart almost jumped out of yey'r body as yey saw five year old Ourine on top of Ryok,who seemed to have frozen not knowing what action t take with the human spawn on his back. When Ourine saw Rishio a proud smile spread across gur's face,

"See Ishy, I can wide Wok." Ourine stated trying to mimic Rishio's stance that yey had when riding Ryok, but gur's stubby five year old legs could not go around Ryok's back. Frustrated Ourine rocked back and forth,

"I can't wide Wok." Ourine said teary eyed as gur looked at Rishio who was slowly approaching gur so as not to accidentally scare gur off Ryok.

"Do not worry you will when you are old enough." Rishio replied slowly creeping toward the child who was eight feet in the air.

"But I want to wide now.." In gur fit Ourine rocked too far side ways losing vas grip on Ryok that led to gur falling down Ryok.

Rishio sprinted from where yey was and grabbed the child mid air but at the cost of losing yey'r footing which caused yey'r to fall down with the child in yey'r arms, but thanks to yey'r quick reflexes Rishio managed to turn and came crashing down on yey'r back beside Ryok's foot who got started by the commotion causing him to move away from his master hence not cushioning Rishio's fall making yey'r land heavily on yey'r back.

"Ow ow ow!" Rishio exclaimed in pain , looking at the trembling child when the pain faded away.

"Wok scawy." Ourine manged to get out through gur's trembling lips before bursting out in tears making Rishio chuckle.

"There, there." Rishio hugged Ourine who was hiccuping now trying to comfort the scared child,

" No he is not you are just too young to get on him, when you get older and bigger you will be able to get on and ride him quite easily, see look at him." Rishio pointed at the beast who was now playing with his tail ,

" Does that look scary?" Rishio asked the child who had clung to yey'r neck.

Ourine look at the beast then let out a giggle then answering ,

" No Wok cute."

"Yes precisely , he is cute just like you." Rishio said to the now calm child who smiled at yey'r response.

"Let us go back inside its getting dark,you need a bath and I need to open up the bar. Okay?" Rishio said standing up from yey'r previous position with the child still in yey'r arms.

"Mhm." Ourine replied clinging onto Rishio as yey made way out of the pen towards their home.