The time was slowly aproching mid-day, Lane was preparing a English lunch, she was cooking eggs bacon beans and of course Richmond Sausages,
Jack's favorite kind for their juicey ritch taste and their reassuring tender skin that was easy to bite through,
Mark's car pulled up and parked at the end of the driveway, Mark got out the car and headed inside,
He opened the back door and looked at Jack who was sat on the red wooden chair next to Mark's,
"I see that your ready to come and see the dirt bike's then Jack"
Mark said as he sat next to Jack who was innocently picking his nose before nodding his head,
"Well" Mark said "if your mummy and Nana Lane are okay with it, I will let you ride one that I have been building for your birthday next year" he said to Jack softly,
"No Mark, my son's to Young to get a dirt bike let alone drive one that you have been building" Taylor said jokingly hoping that Mark would find out what D.H had done to Jack,