Sleep paralysis

The time was three thirty three in the morning, everyone was in bed sound asleep, not a single noise could be heard other than our young Jack who tossed and turned with sweat running down the side of his pale face soaking the pillow in which he was resting his sore head which was still sore from his black out prior to this event,

"Jack" a deep unsettling and scary voice shouted in jacks right ear and Jack violently shook his head trying to get this almost demonic voice out of his mind so he could rest right for the rest of the night,

Jack threw him self back and fourth as he tried to escape the clutches of this entity,

"Jack get up NOW!" the voice shouted as it pried Jack's soft and tender eye lid's open with sharp nail's,

Jack felt the long boney sharp nail's on his eye lid's as they dug into his soft tissue, The voice bellowed deeply making Jack feel even more terrified before it eventually belted out "I want your soul Jack",