
Charles smirked to himself. Then as he looked out his car window, his face fell. Isabella was toying with his heart and she had no idea.

Damn that woman had no idea she was torturing him. Marriage aside, all he wanted at that moment was to hold her in his arms, tight. He would love, protect her with his hold. But she was being reluctant.

Charles wondered what she really faced while she was married to the Manifold guy. It sure was something ugly. It definitely was something that put some kind of fear inside her. Her question earlier sort of gave that out.

That was more reason he wanted her by his side. Charles no longer cared about revenge, he just wanted her to be safe.

In no time, his car stopped and his driver announced their arrival at the hotel.

"Thank you David." The latter nodded as he waited for Charles to alight so he could go and pack the car properly.