Thirty Three

It still bothered Charles that Miss Kane would stupidly act the way she did. While she had the chance to always seduce him to the fullest, she did nothing but drop hints.

So, why? Why would she at that moment, take such a crazy step?

He could not help but eventually link it all to his mother. And if his suspicion was right, then, he was nothing but disappointed in the woman who gave birth to him.

The almost empty cup in his hold soon became a medium for instigating more thoughts. As the tip of his index finger played around the rim, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Richard," he acknowledged the man who walked to the seat opposite him and warmed the cushioned chair with his stylish clothing.

"Why did you seem so deep in thought? Did something happen?"

Charles almost smiled. Richard never failed to read his emotions and mood right. It was one of the reasons, they were still friends. Charles had a thing for attentive people and good observers. "Well, you could say so."