"What?" the Judge who hadn't spoken a word in a while said.
Isabella's eyes shut and her head ducked. As her mind replayed the events that led to her losing her child at that time, her heart became even heavier.
"Miscarriage?" the man's deep questioning voice asked almost uncertainly.
As Mr. Richard's hand came onto hers to offer his own little support, her mind instantly went to Charles. There was a time she wanted to tell him about it. But at that moment... her entire being was against the idea.
"Yes." The atmosphere had become heavy with emotion. "That day when she helped herself into the hospital, she was so numb. It was until I noticed bloodstains on her gown and ran tests that I could deduce she had suffered a loss."
"Did she say what happened?"
Dr. Jones shook his head. "Contrary to how lively she used to be, she suddenly became gloomy and very withdrawn."
"What are you trying to imply?"