Chapter 3

Suddenly the sound of Likan's stomach make a noise. And it makes Likan more blushing.

"I'm fine!" -Likan push hard the guy away even he's not move.

"You! Are you not ashamed?? Why are you aren't wearing anything at your body??" -Likan try to soothing her feeling and look away from his eyes.

(Damn it! He's so damn handsome!! If this a heaven, then this is worthed. Oh my, what am i thinking! I must be crazy cos of that truck!)

"Oh, my clothes are already broken while i'm changing before. Remember when i knocked down that boar?"

(Still!! Are just have 1 pant??)

"Let's eat first. Looks like you are already hungry." -with smile on his face.

(Oh my god! He can makes me die instantly!! Why are you so handsome????) -she nod and obediently following him.

"Here, try this. This is the best part from it, female. You must love it." -giving Likan the whole tight of the boar.

"... Can you slice it smaller?"

"Oh. Okay." -he cut it with his bear's sharp nails. "Here you are, female." -give it to her with his bright smile.

"Thank you.." -eat it.

(What is this?? It tastes so bland!) -inadvertently look at the guy that still staring at her with full of hope. (Ugh, whatever. I'm hungry anyway.) -smiling at him.

The guy looks so happy and eat it too. He looked satisfied with Likan's action. This dinner time looks more romantic because of the bonfire that still light infront of the cave.

After finish eating, Likan feels like wanna pee. The question is, where can she pee? Obviously, not in here, right? (Ugh...)

The guy looks like knowing Likan's problem.

"Let me take you to the grass."

(Oh, how can he know? Ah, it's not important.) -obediently following him.

"Here, you can let out it here."

"... Are you not going?"

"I'm not."


"I don't want to. Never. You are mine, now, female. Never tell me to leaves you, female."

"Huh??" (What is he talking about??? And that female thing again?? Why is he keep calling me female instead of girl.)

"Go on. It's begin to dark. The wild animal will soon appear."

(Ugh i can't hold it anymore, too. But i can't let it out, too if he staring at me while doing it!!)

"At least, turn around!!"

He lightly smile and obediently turn.

Likan finally can do it. But she doesn't know, even he didn't see, he can hear anything clearly.

And for him, it's sounds like a flirting thing in this world. His heartbeat beating fast.

"Okay. I'm done. Let's go back." -Likan trying to go but look at him not even move.

"Hey, what are you.." -Likan move infront of him and seeing him blushing.

"Huh? Why are you.." -she suddenly remember and looks down at his thing.

(Oh my god..)