Chapter 16

"Hmm..." -slowly open her eyes.

"Huh? Where am i? This is..nest?" -Likan surprise then stand up suddenly and just realize she is also in a naked mode.

"Whoaaaa, where's my clothes?? Oh my, what happen??" -Likan slowly sit down and close her eyes. Her hand touch her head and trying to think what happened before.

But her stomach let out loudly sound. Of course she is hungry. She haven't eat since morning comes. And this is already noon.

"Aahh hungryyyy..." -Likan stand up and just realize something. "This is..tree? Hoaaaaaa...." -She crawled to infront of the nest. Just realize that she is on top of a tall tree.

"I, i'm afraid of highhhhhh..." -suddenly she feels dizzy and limp. Her face pale. (What happen to me now?)

Not long after that, she heard the sound of birds clapping. And it's the giant hawk she seen before.

"You.. It's you who saved me earlier?" -Likan ask with her weak voice.

The hawk looks panic and suddenly pooff! He changed into a handsome man with black hair and fine body with slightly brownish skin.

"Are you alright?? Are you hurting anywhere??"

"Ah.. i'm hungry..."

"Yes, yes. I'm already prepare food for you down there. Let's go down." -he changes into a hawk and takes Likan down.

(Damn it. Why are those man here are all hottie? Even this hawk.. really are my typeeeeee..)

He gently landed on the ground and send down Likan.

"Wow! What do you have there? It smells so gooddd.." -with her radiant face.

The hawk change into a man.

"It's a rabbit. I heard female loves eat rabbit." -he looks shy answering Likan and smile gently to Likan.

(Oh my.. this driving me crazy.. he is sooooo damn handsome. His smiley face really looks like an angel..) -she drown from his face.

"Ah, i'll take it to you. Here.." -he give Likan a piece of meat and feed her.

Likan accept it with pleasure. (When else can be feed by a hottie like this?) "Ahh i'm so hungry. I think i can eat it all."

The hawk gives a smile. "Eat it. It's all for you." -keeps feeding Likan.

"You don't eat?"

"I'm already eat while i'm hunt. Don't worry about me, female.."

"You can call me Likan. Do you have name?"

"Likan.. What a beautiful name.. Just like the person.." -He smiles looks more gentle towards Likan. "Call me Jun."


He looks happy just to hear his name been calling.

"Aahhh, i'm full now. Thanks for the food, Jun."

"Y, yes.." -he is blushing and looking the other way.

(Looks like he is the shy type. Cute. But why is he looks like he's avoiding me?) -suddenly realize she is naked. She blushing all over her body.

"Do, do you know what can i wear?" -she close her breast and sit tightly. (This is embarrassing.. Since when i'm comfortable with this condition.)

"W, wait here. I'll thread my feathers for you." -suddenly he change and fly up to the tree.

Likan surprise. Now she's alone again. (Should i run? But looks like he is a kind man. Moreover, his face is very handsome and his body.. damn hottt. He saved me just now after all.. He must be kind. Where can I go naked like this anyway..)