Chapter 9

"wolf (skye)"

I woke up with a voice calling me I don't know why it woke me up I was sleeping beautifully.

If you're wondering if you were thinking about Jahson then yes you were.

It is so tasty that it even gives me butterflies in my belly oh my god how much I want it.

I don't know why I said it, but there it is.

In the meantime, just imagine whoever enters the room is already thinking, right, Jahson, with a nice glass.

Conversation by thought on:

Wolf (skye): you are right kara he has a nice glass.

Kara: what the hell am I!

Wolf (skye): I am your wolf! Kara nobody told you that you could talk to me by thought.

Kara: I didn't even know I managed to do that!

Wolf (skye): you can do that and a lot more kara.

Kara: what's your name?

Wolf (skye): my name is skye.

I will help you with everything you need to communicate with Kara.

Kara: seriously you will help me with everything i need skye

Wolf (skye): yes only if you need me kara i am always here for you just ask ok.

Kara: ok and thanks for being with me without me knowing you were skye here.

She-wolf (skye): you're welcome kara.

Conversation by thought off:

Kara narrating: today I ended up discovering that my wolf talks to me for a thought I would imagine, right.

Most likely to tell Kara if you like him go to him.

It is probably what she will tell me about the serrette the pesuluta.

But as I said a while ago, Jahson had entered my room or let him talk because he was talking to my wolf (skye).

Oh if you saw this six pack here next to me ... oh my god.

Conversation on:

Jahson: hello kara, you look beautiful today.

Kara: you ... also baby.

Jahson: baby! I already realized you were talking to yourself.

Kara: baby! If I tell you if you are not going to believe it anymore, I will contact you.

Jahson: baby. I already believe in everything with you.

You realize right away that I was a vampire it wasn't.

Kara: ok honey I'll tell you. I find out today that following with talking to my wolf by thought is not cool.

Jahson: this is very cool my dear but it's new to me kara.

Kara: I know baby.

Conversation off:

Kara narrating: tired of talking was so beautiful when he talks to me and I couldn't resist and gave him a very passionate kiss, until I ran out of breath.

Jahson narrating: when I saw her look ... she couldn't resist and gave me a very passionate kiss, and I attribute the passionate kiss on those very tasty lips of hers.

Kara narrating: he attributes that very nice kiss to my lips until we went to sleep together.

Who would have thought that this could happen there, no one would have imagined it would not.

But it happened I am lying with my true love.

And sleep it deeply.
