Chapter 20

"Still in Seattle"


In the meantime, he was all callous without telling me what was going on. My brother didn't say anything. His girlfriend's idiot didn't stop with sinister smiles.

I was waiting for my friends outside waiting without knowing what was going on.

Because Alex doesn't tell me anything.

Connection on:

Nat: hi kara it's me you don't say anything we are all here waiting.

Kara: sorry nat.

The guys say that they thought sorry and I came here at home on this document. I'm trying to understand what the hell is going on here.

Nat: it's ok.

Connection off:

Conversation on:

Kara: good to say shit is going on here Alex.

Alex: look sis, I know you won't like what I'm going to say, but our parents and David were kidnapped.

Kara: what the hell are you saying that parents David were kidnapped.

But who would do that.

Conversation off: