Love will get us through this

Ming's P.O.V ~

When Wayo tells me that my Kitty Kit and Phana have been are in hospital after being involved in a car crash, my only response is to get there quickly as I can. Working in a hospital teaches you that there is rarely an instance when car crashes do not demand speed, especially when the people close to you are part of the accident. Poor Wayo is close to tears and I feel sympathetic knowing all his years of dedicating his life to one man, my new friend and his to be boyfriend Phana, could be in vain and end in nothing but a tragic retelling of grey rainbow, with him and Phana instead of Nueva and Porsche.

They are so close to finding their happiness and totally deserve it. I can truly say this as a person who has witnessed how in love they are after years of missed opportunities that they regret not taking. Fate seems to intervene in a tragic test of said love and I hate this, as I can't bear to see Wayo so torn and hurt from the prospects of his future of loneliness. I pull him out of the restaurant, with the assurance that Arthit and Kongpob will understand, and nearly go over the speed limit to reach the hospital as soon as I can. If the worst should happen and our world is deprived of the colour of love and painted with grey, the colour of tragedy and sadness, we can at least say goodbye and confess. My heart definitely goes out for Wayo, and I pray that destiny is like-minded and lets them stay together on earth, and also my Ai' Kitty, my true match and soulmate.

I pray for both Kit and Phana, thinking that not only will I be broken beyond repair, but my childhood buddy Wayo. He deserves a chance at love and no one, including fate can fairly take that chance away from him.

At the hospital, the accident and emergency department is a chaotic mess. Everyone is dashing madly here and there, pushing metal trolleys of blood soaked gauze to the right room and ferrying blood transfusion bags back and forth. I feel my breath quicken at the idea that could be from my Kit, and equally worry that it's from Phana, as I pull Wayo to the door of the emergency room, trying to sneak a look at who is bleeding that much. I'm relieved to be tapped on the shoulder by Beam, albeit surprised though, who is pushing my boyfriend in a wheelchair. Kit had a cast on his right arm and an adhesive dressing behind his copper bangs, but is smiling and otherwise unharmed and reaches his good hand out to hug me as well as he can with one hand and in a wheelchair.

He lays his head on my shoulder and clings to my arm, "That driver was mad, and I was lucky. He came at us at full speed and if I had been driving I wouldn't have escaped with these minor injuries, but Phana was. He protected me by taking most of the impact, but he paid the price. They had to cut his unconscious body out of the wreck of his car and he is the one in the emergency room right now, he told them to make sure I was treated first and gave me a letter to give to Wayo before he became unconscious again.", Kit whispers, not wanting to upset Wayo further.

Phana proved himself once and for all in my opinion, but at what price? The cost of his life is too much, and it is unbearable to think he might pay so highly.