On the morning of the finals, Arjun was woken up by heavy thuds on his room door. He asked Ira to open the door, but then he realised she was not there. He groaned and rolled out of the bed to unlock the door.


Arjun moved a step back and jerked his head to make sure he was not dreaming. In front of him, stood an entire crowd of people. Ira and Kavya stood at the front followed by Arjun’s two friends, Raj and Kavin. Behind them stood Ira’s mom and step-dad. The crowd of people split aside to reveal a person standing at the very end.

“Dad!” Arjun breathed.

“Aju, I’m so sorry. In the selfishness of keeping my loved ones safe, I forgot to keep them happy. I am proud of you son, not for what you have achieved but for your bravery that brought you still here.” his dad said.

Arjun hugged his dad, crying the tears of happiness and gratitude.

“How come you guys are here?” Arjun asked the others, pulling away from the hug and drying his tears.