Chapter 27

"The end of classes"

I forgot already ...

I have to talk to Natacha before leaving. (I thought)

In the meantime I went to take a shower, put on my favorite clothes, went to have breakfast with my family and then I thought I was going to leave my family that I love the most in this world but it has to be necessary to know who I am and where I came from.

So my mother desides to talk ...

Conversation on:

Nádia: Well, my kids finish school today, it's not kara and Alex and you David finish but then continue.

Alex: Yes mom today we finished classes.

Kara: Yes mom it's true today we finished school today I finish 12th grade with Alex mom.

There are after classes I need to talk to my family.

Éric: OK daughter. It is time to go to school the three go to school.

Kara: Okay, dad, let's go.

kiss and see you soon.

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