Chapter 2 (Alex)

Ugghhh. My head is killing me, maybe I shouldn't have drank so much last night. What can I say I'm always drinking too much. Especially at parties.

All of the sudden I hear banging on my door making my headache even worse. Slightly annoyed I rush to the door to open it to halt all the banging.

"Do you mind I am currently nursing a headache from being hungover by not interacting with people whatsoever." I say with a groggy voice. "Well maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to go to that party mister. Now I want you downstairs and ready for school in five minutes starting now." My mom says with a stern voice as I notice my dad behind her with the usual 'listen to your mother' look on his face.

"Alright ma I'll be down in a minute okay?" I ask her knowing I can't get out of not going to school. With a smile she walks downstairs with my dad behind laughing knowing she won with little effort. Sighing I shut my door turning to get dressed and head downstairs grabbing a coffee and some medicine for my headache.

"Alright mom, dad, I'm heading to school to get an useless education I'll see you later." I say with sarcasm walking to the front door. "Bye honey see you after school!" My mom shouts as I leave. Heading to my car I start it and drive to school unwillingly but I can't disappoint my parents they want me to learn so I will. The drive is short given I only live five minutes down the road but I'm lazy so driving is faster.

"Yo Al!" I hear right in my ear as I get out of my car after parking. "Dude! You know I have a hangover why be a prick?" I ask my best friend chase as he laughs looking at me. Chase Grayson has been my best friend since I could remember and we have been inseparable ever since, however right now I want to bash his head in. "Because your pain causes me joy my good friend!" Chase says with a laughing smile on his stupid face.

As I'm about to rip into my best friend I hear the shrill sound of the bell sound meaning first class is about to start. Knowing he got away he laughs evilly walking to the front doors as I glare in his direction.

Reaching my first class I head straight to the back and sit in my usual seat as I'm about to start a conversation I notice her. Sam. She walks with her head down heading to her seat in the front.

Samantha Grey.

The quietest girl you can ever meet and I'm lucky to have at least three classes with her. I wish she could talk to me I've had a small thing for her for as long as we've been going to school together. I wish she'd have the courage to speak to people so she can make friends. More importantly at least be friends with me. I think to myself as our teacher Mr. Ward starts talking about some stupid test happening tomorrow.

"So Alex what happened last night? Last time I saw you, you were leaving the dance floor with Brooke." I turn towards Chase seeing the look on his face I immediately pick up that he thinks me and Brooke had sex. "Before your dirty mind wonders no we didn't hook up alright?" I say with a slight annoyance. Brooke Reynolds. God I hate her. She has been a thorn in my side since freshman year 3 years ago ever since I 'dumped' her. Really we were just fuck buddies but she had this insane obsession with me so I told her we won't be anything to each other anymore. "If you didn't hook up where did you guys go then hmm?" Chase asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Well I went to get another drink cause fuck it I wanted to get drunk and she tells me about a 'private' party happening downstairs and I was curious. Literally all we did was go downstairs and I shit you not man there was this chick that was going off with the alcohol it was awesome dude! And Brooke being Brooke was trying to get my attention but I couldn't care less I was more impressed with the chick and then she starting chugging the whole cup of vodka in one go I mean what girl do you know that could hold her liquor like that man!" I said to him laughing.

"Mr. Henderson, if I remember correctly I said to study notes not sit and chat with everyone. That is what lunch is for." Mr. Ward says with a slight attitude out of nowhere. "Sorry sir." I tell him turning back towards to Chase to try to finish the story, however before I can say more I hear the bell go off to end the first class. Getting up I pass Sam tempted to say hi to her but knowing I can't I keep walking with Chase heading out into the hallway wishing I could at least say hi to the girl I've liked since middle school.

"Man when are you ever gonna grow some balls and talk to her?" I hear Chase next to me asking. Sighing I turn to him and say, "you know why I can't man. Dayton is still pissed about what happened and if I give in to my urge to start something with Sam no matter how badly I want her to be mine, I'm just afraid Dayton may become crazy and try to hurt her." I tell him knowing why I can't talk to the girl of my dreams. Not like she'll talk back. Sam hasn't talked to anyone willingly ever since she was in middle school. I wonder why though...My thoughts get interrupted by Chase as he continues talking. "I get it man I do, but I hate seeing you gloomy when she's around. As your best friend my advice is either talk to her and least try to be her friend or forget her and move on." He says as he walks towards our next class before we're late.

I know he's right he always is but I can't just forget her, but I can't talk to her either. It'll just cause problems for her and she's better off without me dragging her down.


Finally the lunch bell rings alerting me it's well.. lunch. "Aye Alex lets go to the courtyard today and have lunch it feels great outside man!" Chase says to me as we get our food. Weird, Chase never wants to go outside he'd rather sit inside and have girls all over us as we eat. Still being suspicious of him I tell him sure and soon we are headed out the doors to the courtyard and instantly I have feeling why he wanted to come out here because as soon as I turn to tell him I'd rather go back inside my eyes locks with Sam's in an intense staring contest it seems like.

My god she is so beautiful and of course she's reading she's always reading.

I keep my stare locked with Sam's as I notice something unimaginable, something I swore I'd never do ever since the incident with Dayton.

I start walking to Sam.