Divine, found himself amid some children, who perceive him as an alien, but he is now ten years, while his dad who works as an air serviceman, was on course abroad. However, Divine was left with his mother and one of his elder sister named Mary. A certain night, Divine was sleeping; and he suddenly had a feeling of a figure like darkness surged into the room, and walked up to him and engulfed him. He could not move or shake any part of his body; he was like a dead man, but his mind was still active. He fights to move his hands or any part of his body, all to no avail. His mum suddenly realized what was happening, seeing that he was jerking. When she picked up Divine, he is already stifled, because she could hear him initially struggling. Now, Divine is gasping for air. Divine! Divine! She called out, but there was no response, she motioned toward him and realize that he was convulsing. She screamed aloud, my son is dying! Help! Somebody help me! The only available person at home was Divine’s elder sister, Mary. Mary, on hearing her mother's alarm call, rushed into the room. The room was very dark. She was confused and not knowing what to do, but acted based on impulse by running straight to the kitchen. She was now searching for a lighter and was able to find it. She lights up the lantern. After having the lantern lit, she rushed back to the room. Divine’s mother was now weeping frenziedly, as Divine had already passed out. He was not responding and all attempt to resuscitate him proved abortive. The cries from Divine’s house attracted nearby neighbours. While they were trying everything possible to resuscitate Divine, a certain man walked in and collects lifeless Divine from his mother. He suddenly whispers into the Divine's ear and says, “You shall not die, you have come to fulfil destiny, Divine, can you hear me?”. It was extraordinary, the manner that this certain man’s voice penetrated the core of the heart of Divine and all of sudden, there was a pulse observed. Divine’s finger started moving. The strange man kept talking to him, whispering strange words, incomprehensible, it was like speaking in an unknown tongue, more like chanting incantations. Nevertheless, the amazing thing, about this strange man, was that no one knew who he is.
Suddenly, Divine sneezed and started crying, after which, the strange man handed him over to his mother. Without delay, that certain man sneaks out quietly unnoticed. Immediately, he stepped out, in less than a minute, Divine’s mother, sent Mary, Divine’s elder sister to go and find out who this certain man is, but to her greatest surprise, the man was nowhere to be found. Considering the interval that the strange man stepped out, he should still be in the compound or within the perimeter of the vicinity of the compound whose gate is far away from Divine’s resident. This became a serious concern to Divine’s mother, as Mary returns to tell her that the man is nowhere to be found. Divine's mother, immediately felt tingles and was covered in goosebumps, because she knew that a supernatural being had come in to save her son. What happened in that split second left Divine's mother and his elder sister in great shock. They could not imagine how much could swiftly happen. It was as if a literal angel came in, to save Divine and this speaks volume of something about him that is divine.
A few months later, Divine’s dad was back from the course he travelled abroad, and the event of what happened to Divine came to his ear. In shock! He took Divine in his hand and looked right into his eyes, all for him to discover an unusual spot in eyes that shines like a luminous object, and in reaction, he closed his eyes because what he saw, stopped his heart from beating, for the reason that he has never seen such, it was something indeed extraordinary. Left in wonder amazed, he lifted Divine and laid him on his chest, rubbing his back. Divine felt once again his Dad’s warmth and was very happy.
Hey! Divine, “How are you?” his father asked, and in response Divine said, “Daddy, I passed out, while you were away, something came to me like darkness, threatening to take me away and I fought it off in my mind. Daddy, if you were around, I know, you will kill it. Please, Daddy, do not leave me again, I do not want to face that horrible thing any more.” Divine’s words penetrated the heart of his father and he was left speechless. However, in response, he told Divine, "I will always be with you, even when I am gone physically, I am with you. Always know that I am with you because you are I AM’s." He was saying this, because what Divine said, penetrated his heart like a chisel and left him in tears, because of the emotions in his son’s voice. This happened in Nineb in a City in Airegin, in the year, 1987.
Divine started his early day's schooling in Idrukam, after his father’s transfer to the Air Force base. He started Air force Nursery and Primary in Idrukam, and was very outstanding in his class, receiving several gifts, for outstanding performance. While he was still in the nursery class, but the weird thing about him is the kind of questions he often asks his teachers. Divine was more like a son to his elder sister Mary, who was home present with his mum. Mary, will always bathe him and make him up like a girl, applying eye pencil on his eyebrows. To Divine this experience was fun and he started thinking he was a girl.
Divine is a natural born artist. He likes painting pictures of his imagination and illustrating abstract figures. He also loves singing, but unlike every other kid, he loves being alone. During the festive period, while other kids go out to catch fun, he will just remain at home, either singing or writing. Instead of doing his laundry during the day, when it is sunny, he prefers doing his laundry at night from around 11:00 pm and could wash until about 1:00 am. Divine loves seeing the moon, as he often sees the figure of a young boy swinging. Divine desire swinging on the moon, like the figure he often sees. He can connect stars to form images, as he has always this constellation of stars that looks like Holy Rosary. He had always wished the sun could rise at midnight. Therefore, he sees the moon as the sun. You can call him lunatic, he is just lunar-driven.
Something happened one fateful day, while Divine was standing in the corridor of his family’s apartment. He saw a maggot; it was like the caterpillar of a butterfly. However, before, he saw that maggot, there was this rumour, that if the maggot enters your nose, provided you are a boy, you will become a girl and if you are a girl, you will become a boy, nevertheless, this was registered in Divine’s memory. Immediately he saw this maggot, he was frightened, holding to the fact of the superstitious belief. In Fright, he could not fight off the negative emotions that were surging. As he turns his face away from the maggot and turned back toward the direction where he saw the maggot, it was no longer there. This happened, in a split of a second. For Divine not seeing the maggot, made his thought to start searching to know where the maggot must have entered. Divine was thinking, too many things at a time. He asked himself, “Where is the maggot?” since he could not see it, he concluded that what he heard about the maggot jumping into someone’s nose and changing the person gender of such person has happened to him. So he says, “The maggot might be around the vicinity”? So how come, the maggot has disappeared? Therefore, he concluded that the maggot had jumped into his nose, and out of fear, he started having a seizure. The only person at home was his elder sister because his mother went to the market and Mary was not even, close to where he was playing. Nevertheless, Divine was all alone since he likes playing alone. Divine only got to realize himself in the hospital, but he saw something strange. The faces of all of the nurses, passing and the one were attending to him, were like that of a beast and he could read their thoughts. They were planning to inject him with a vaccine that will alter completely his orientations. All of a sudden, he started crying, and shouting, Daddy! Daddy! Where are you? They try suppressing him from shouting, but the more he shouts, until his dad walked in. immediately his Dad stepped in, he shouted the more, saying, “Daddy, save me, these people are not ordinary, everyone around surprised at Divine, but his Dad was not. He took Divine out of the hospital and reminded him, “Son, I will always be with you”.
It was from one event to the other, and it became a course of concern to Divine’s parent. They were always on and off the hospital, because of Divine’s health condition, which is more like a psychic attack. While all this was happening to him, he felt deep down inside of him, that something was trying to temper with his thought to take full charge of his will. However, he was ever resisting this strange force, not knowing what the force is and why the force would not let him be. Somehow, that single experience became an indelible memory that often drags him into fear. Fear became the Divine’s greatest tormentor. Often time, when his mind strays, what follows next is convulsion.
Divine kept experiencing recurring convulsion, to the point that his siblings started thinking, it may not be convulsion, but epilepsy. Nevertheless, Divine has never experienced this tormenting convulsion that his siblings are now thinking it is epilepsy during the day. Apart from the convulsion that happened when he saw a maggot, he never experienced convulsion while awake. I mean, he always convulses, when he is sleeping and noticed that his Dad is nowhere closer to him.
Divine was now having a flashback!
The journey back out of Nineb to Idrukum was an experience that the Divine can never forget. He saw trees and people who were supposed to be static but moving. It seems as if the vehicle was static. He asked himself in his mind, “Why would everything be moving, but the vehicle, not moving?” This question somehow became a course that propels him to always want to make effort to find the answers to why things happen. This eventually becomes his quest, to know why people go through certain problems.
Like a flash, he remembered. Shouting at some kids of his age grade that was playing, "Stop raising dust!" They were playing in the dust and stirring up dust. Using his melodious voice, he sang, a strange, but seemingly never heard an irresistible beautiful song from the mouth of any mortal. The children were engrossed and in astonishment watched him. They were trapped in the frequency of the Divine’s voice. After he had finished singing, he started talking to them. They listen to him with keen interest while he talks. He said, “Life is a battlefield and it is a battle of codes, which are deep secrets beyond the confines of the knowledge-reach of any mortal”. He went further, saying, “Man has been kept under bondage for too long, held by the system. The system is driven by the negative invisible force that is powerlessly powerless, however, made powerful by lack of knowledge of whom we truly are".
The children were all curious, as they were left awestruck, wondering how Divine was able to know what he was telling them.
Divine continued, and one of the children interrupted, with a question, “How did you know all of these things you are telling us?” and he answered by saying, “I am Divine, I am I AM’s and there is nothing hidden in the light, as light knows everything in the dark, I am I AM’s light in this world”. This was too deep for the children to understand. They all sighed and laughed at once, wondering what Divine meant by what he had just said. He went further, saying, “The system is using the minds of men in ignorance to create and perpetuate evil by schooling their thoughts to become a workshop where they now create complex systems of coded, but opposing thought programs. However, there is a deliberate attempt to keep men perpetually under watch, fabricating and distorting history by presenting falsehood as truth. Therefore, any man who is not in the right frequency becomes an evil workshop.
This earth is passing away and new earth is coming and it will arrive sooner than we all think, Divine told the children.
While he was still talking, the entire atmosphere got changed in a blink of an eye. It was as if it will rain, and everywhere became very dark. Suddenly, as everywhere became very dark, the stars and moon became obvious, but all the lights, both electrical and celestial, just started going off. Something was observed apart from the moon, looking more brighter, tending toward the earth, looking like a wrecker ball, but has similar patches like the earth when viewed. There was a surging sound, shaking the foundation of the earth. Suddenly, there was a strange aurora-like rainbow surging from both the north and south pole. People were screaming and running, and there was commotion everywhere. It seems as if the entire world was experiencing the same occurrence. Nevertheless, it was not funny at all, what appears in the cloud, was a figure like a mighty beast, surging out current. Everyone seems to come under the influence of the surged out current. Nevertheless, Divine kept resisting the impulse in his mind, as there is something inside of him, stopping the current from penetrating his heart. This happened in a flash, everything returns to normal, and it was as if nothing happened at all. However, thoughts impulse was launched and destinies were altered on earth with an impulse from the eye, as it could be felt. Divine felt something very spectacular has happened, but he couldn't explain.
Divine saw that the driver of the alteration is not for good, but what would he do in such a situation?
It became a burden on Divine to change the orientation of people around him, as he noticed things tending the contrary and many are they tending off-direction. He kept asking questions, even while he was in his primary level of education; that leaves his teachers awestruck with the kind of questions he often asks. He is ever wanting to find out why things happen the way they do and why people behave differently as if being controlled by an invisible force determining every one of their actions. However, people who relate with Divine, are always trying to know what is always happening in his mind, as he is ever having a sense of knowledge that wows then and ever coming up with an exceptional and surprisingly unbelievable fact. Unfortunately, no one has been able to answer the questions in his mind. This became a seemingly endless quest for him...
Divine in search for the perfect truth was found by what he was seeking.