Your unwavering faith is a key, which will open the floodgate of cloud nine to release abundant rain of the contents of you need even when there is scarcity.

My life may seem not to have a form to men, but the benevolent one does not form a life with a form, He forms a life that is deformed and this process is what I call reformation. He forms a life that is deformed and transforms such life to become the desire of His heart. I am a man after the heart of the benevolent one because He has transformed me into His very doppelgänger in accordance to His rendering, what men sees does not matter, what matters is what He is seeing in me as I am in Him I am AM’s.

From the cradle, my life has been a miracle, because the conditions I went through, doctors would not have been able to remedy them, but the benevolent one was using that to build me, but when men thinks in their myopic thoughts, that it was a predicament, He was working something they could not at all see. I am a miracle child with a divine seal who has seen the ups and downs of life, trying moments of pains, hurts, insults, abuse and curses, but because my the one I rely on despite not seen is not dead, His joy became my strength, because in my life, He became over all. The benevolent one would always answer me instantly when I have come to a point of giving up that is when He would always steps into the equation to cause things to work, even when things are not working. Miracles are real, very, very real. You can never escape miracle when you do not act the contrary of being positive. When your reliance is certain and sure in the midst of uncertainties, your will be ignited to wait, not in worries, but in high expectation and optimism in the one who will never ever fail you. Even when you can fail yourself, He will not and when in lack, He will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory and your fear will become a story of the past. Sometimes, the heart of men will be hardened toward helping you, so that they will not take the glory that is due Him, when help finally comes from Him.

It happened on 13 April 2017 in Idrukam town, a literal miracle of abundant rain. My wife and I got down to Idrukam on 12 April 2017 from Soj, which was Wednesday, while I went to my friend’s place to put up. On this very day, which was 13th, I rushed down to my wife’s family house to see how things were going and discovered, they had no water at all, but they have this very big GP tank, which is over 5000 liters in capacity. My wife’s younger brother started arranging to fetch water into the big tank, which will take a very long time to even go half way, talk more of filling it. Therefore, my brother in-law had to use about three kegs to go to a very long distance to buy the water with a chartered tricycle. When he came the first round, turned the water he brought into the tank, I felt bad, considering how tedious it will be for him since the water is been bought and how can he even fill that big tank? I do not even have enough money to get a tanker. I had a leading to do something, which seems very crazy, because nobody really understand what I was doing, despite everybody felt the instant response. I reminded myself knowing there is one who controls the entire universe; therefore, if I can rightly make my request by placing a demand, I will get my heart desires granted and I have had this conviction that all I needed for the success of my wedding is supplied, even when literally there is nothing on ground for me. This kind of mindset is really crazy and delusive to think, but it works for me.

Immediately, I closed my eyes to remind this thought that always speaks into my heart in quite prayers in the presence of my father in-law, I said, “Father, you will not put me to shame, show forth and help me”. Instantly, before I could mention it, the condition of the atmosphere instantly was changed and I opened open my eyes to see a literal miracle. Right in front of my naked eyes, the weather that was normal, with no sign of rain, got instantly cloudy and it started raining cat and dog. It was as if I was daydreaming, because the intensity of the rain was heavy and in less than ten minutes, the tank to the brim was full and was pouring out such that there was no container left to put water, because all the containers already has being filled. My father in-law was standing outside with me, while I was lost in wonder amazed and he made this statement, “This is a miracle and it can only be God”. I caught and overwhelmed with surprise, trying to wake up from the wonder. I could not even express my joy for what has done for me, to make supply for me at the die minute when I thought all hope was lost.

From my experience in the course of my wedding, I have to discover God can never fail provided He has committed Himself with His Word to you. It shall happen even as He (God) has promised you, despite it may not come the way you have programmed your mind to receive it. Every bit of His promises concerning our lives will happen, if we will not give up on Him, He will not give up on us, because He is able. If you stay on course and do not go the way of self, even if it will not be easy, the trial of your faith will work out patience and at the end, you will know it is worth waiting to see the mind of the one you trust happen for you. I was given water by the one I cannot see when there was not, that water was more than enough for the occasion, and it even served us throughout the period until we left Idrukam on 23 April 2017. Today being 26th of April 2017, they are still using the miracle water.

The miracle did not stopped at the provision of water, but also extended to providing as needed for the wedding. The supplies were abundant and in excess, such that, in the course of the reception for my white wedding, we had no difficulties. My maternal aunties were afraid for me, but I kept assuring them that all needed for the success of my wedding would be supplied even when I do not know how. I was confidently confident in all the promises that kept me confident, but it will surprise you to know that I had not even a dime on that Saturday and the only day I have left for me.

There shall come phases in life that we need to face life’s situations in faith having confidence in whatever we trust, even when all we see as reality creates nothing but fears.

If you do not face the phase of life in faith having confident in the one who cannot fail, you will break down and feel your back is actually against the wall.

When it looks as if it is over, it cannot be over when it is with the one that cannot fail, but will, when you have lost your grip (trusting… in all situation). Therefore, your focus should be the one you trust who would surely make a way, because He is the way maker and situation changer.

There cannot be a way when your fears are for the situations and circumstances, but will only be a way when your fear is in fearing that there will not be a way. This is what defines total dependency upon the sure and never failing one, even when the chance of your hope is at the tail end, trusting the never failing one to take you through the stormy situations of life which adverse against you.