Having explained the initial topic, I would like to proceed with the next. However, I want to say, “Ignorance is the void in a man’s heart”. For that reason, the moment a man becomes expose to knowledge, you cannot hold him captive. Man is the prisoner of the transformer because of lack of knowledge. For that reason, he will always agitate for freedom the moment he knows that he is been marginalized. This is what defines a sense of independence. However, independent mindset many have misconstrued when it comes to our relationship with ASCAT. We are still dependent and we must know that independency can never ever be with ASCAT, because He is our total dependency. Man is an agitated being in nature since after the fall, he has never been satisfied with anything, because nothing can fill up that void in his heart, but only ASCAT and man has left ASCAT into the broad path of self-delusiveness and that is why ASCAT is calling us to return back to the first love.