The essence of Enoch took me to a place where I saw the watchers over men. This made me understood when people talk about guidance angels, I have thought it is a fairytale, but I was wrong, it is very real. The name of the angels is Uriel, who is keeping the watch of men. Raguel is the angel of vengeance on the world and the lights. Michael is the angel in charge of the best part of humankind and nations. Seroquel is the angel in charge of the spirit of men who causes the spirit to sin. Gabriel is the angel in charge of serpents and the Garden and the Cherubim.
Uriel who spoke to the essence of Enoch in me saying, “Divine, about who you ask”, further led me? About whom do you inquire, ask and care?” I had only asked this question in my mind, “why, for what sin were the seven stars of heaven-bound?” and Uriel dictating the current of my mind, answered me saying, “These were some stars, which transgressed the command of ASCAT”.