31st March 2020, time: 12: 12 none, My Gionee phone battery level: 12%
Having reached this knowledge let me also show what I got from my research even as I searched through the Internet and put together the information I found out of the name URANOR.
Remember I got Uranor from comparing COVID 19 to Corona Virus, since COVID 19 is the identifier or coded name of the virus that is novel in nature and with its novelty called Corona virus. The novelty of corona virus is a fraud. Who told you the virus have not been existing? But then again something happened to make it more dreadful and that happened in the lab. Those who were involved in creating the evil construct, when trying to voiced out the truth, where silenced to death. How many of the scientists that worked in the Laboratory, try voicing out what happened, and what is coming are still alive today?
How did I get Uranor?
This is how I got Uranor: COVID 19 = CORONA VIRUS