
Luster Florenzia POV

"Hurry up!" she shouted as if like her esophagus could explode.

That psycho girl! I didn't make a doubt why my eardrums hurt and broke later. Aish if she wasn't the one who help me to provide my fuels then I--- *sighs*

I exhort.

Just calm down Luster,she was still a woman.Tch.I swear I will kick her outside of my car if she was a boy.

"Can you please tell me now who was the owner of this bracelet" she repeatedly asked.

I glimpse at her and she was holding the bracelet tightly.I could also see in her reaction that she badly need to know it.

But--- but why?

This girl is so strange and suspicious.She asking me to get some information so I need to be careful especially when it comes to my personal life.

So I faced her on my side where she was seated and pretended to be shocked.

I want to know her motive first.

"Wow! That was the first time you said 'please' I can't believe that you know how to say that." I sarcastically assert and make face to annoyed her even more.

She instantly gave me a death glared and was ready to bite me anytime but I just shook my head and back my sight on the road.

I also whistle and humming a song.I felt like I won with her-----

"H-hey! Stop!" I was shocked when she suddenly forcing my hand to pulled away on my steering wheel.


"What?! what you are doing? "I immediately utter.

Seriously? What If we got into a car accident just because of her stupid and immature actions? haist!

She intensely looking at my directions and pretend that she couldn't heard what I was saying.

"Ya!? What the he---" I suddenly stopped when I saw her showing me a warning punch.

"Punch or reveal the truth?" She divulge and even make me choose.Aish!

She's so unbelievable!

I gave her a glare and stop the car on the side for awhile.Tch! She really testing my patience.

I pulled my hands and faced her.She was too young to disrespect me.

"Is that your proper way on how you ask for something? Have you not been taught again by your paren---- " I suddenly stopped and covered my mouth when I remember what she told about her parents on the day that I first met her.

She smiling bitterly and crossed her both arms.

"No." She sparingly mumbled without looking at me and even I couldn't see her face I was still noticed the pain in her eyes.

Aish.I just shut my mouth off and felt a sudden guilt from what I've said to her.

I didn't pay much attention to what I was saying. Tch.

I was about to apologize but she suddenly loosen her seatbelt.She also planning to get outside of my car but I was able to closed it before she could leave.

"Open the door." She sparingly utter.

I exhort.

"No.I will arrive you safe back to your home." I contend and start my car's engine.

I heard him simper.

"You're strangers and the word safe isn't the right vocabulary for those people like you." She assert with a resentment on her toned.

The way she speaks.....

She was so very frank even in her personal privacy.Her words was so mystery and has a deep meaning.

I heaved a deep sighed and suddenly covered my body.

I saw her face immediately change and surprised from what she saw.

"What are you doing?" She said in disgust and rolled her eyes on me.

"You're right I'm a stranger but you were also.Tsk! so don't you dare to touch my precious body." I said.

I want to changed the topic first.I was still felt strange to her actions.

"As if I want your body! The h**k! Can you just open the door so that I could finally leave in this f***ing car of yours----"

*Kruuuu kruuuu*

Were both stopped and look in her groaning stomach.




Few minutes has been passed and I stopped my car at the drive thru.

"I'm hungry" I mumbled and held my growling stomach.

"Ya! Its not the right time to order a food! I'm in a hurry,can't you see!?" she shouted at me and it was like I was deafened by the strength of her voice and my eardrums seemed to be damaged.

what the!

"Don't shout, I hear it I'm not deaf!" I utter and raised my voice.

"Then Why are you shouting at me!?" she asked me with a high pitch.

I close my eyes for a moment to calm myself.She really testing my patience huh? So I faced her.

"I am not shouting at you! I'm just telling you not to shout! " I answered her and level her tone.

She gave me a death glare

"I'm not shouting at you either! Why are you angry?! " She madly said while pointing her index finger to me.

"then why are you mad too?! I'm not---- "I was suddenly interrupted when the crew who had been waiting earlier began to spoke.

"Excuse me Mam/Sir? Do you want to take an order now?" she asked.

I scratched my ears and sighed first before I turn around to say my order.

"Ahm sorry.Hmm I want a-----uh?"

"Yes.I want a Cheese burger,Fries medium size and coke float large please." This crazy girl beside me uttered and cut my words off.


I was stunned as she raised an eyebrow .What's that for? she was the first one to order instead of me?

Tsk! She was so very unpredictable.

"And you sir?" The crew also asked me.

*sighs* I took a glance of her and she was like an innocent girl inside my car.Tss!

I exhort and just turn my attention to the crew.

"Yes,Coke float medium size only and Double Bacon Cheesy Deluxe Yumburger.Thank you." I ordered.

"Okay sir, tha---" She spoke and was about to leave but I immediately cut her.

I smiled.

"I prefer if you called me Majesty." I utter and give my credit card to her.

"Eww it was so disgusting" I heard a sudden appeal from the bipolar woman next to me and began to laughed.

Tss.I stared at her.

"The bracelet.." I utter and randomly bring back the topic that she wants to hear.

She suddenly stopped and instantly turn her attention.

"The bracelet----what?" she assert and curiously waiting for my next words.

Hmm...Why she was so much interested in that bracelet and besides what has she got to do with it?

"Why are you so interested to----"

"Here was your order Mam/Sir.Thank you and Come Again" but before I could ask her the order immediately arrived so I averted my eyes from the crew and took the order.

Hmm.Maybe I could ask her again next time.




While I was driving, I slightly turned my gaze at her and wondered why she suddenly stop talking and just seats quietly while fidgeting her hand which caused her to bleed a little and even though I could barely see her face, I know that she was worried for something.

I sighed and held her hand as I separated it to stop her from fidgeting.

She suddenly looked at me and I just averted my eyes back to the road again.

"Don't do that with your hand it may hurt you more." I assert and gave a glimpse but she was still looking at me without saying anything.

I scratched my head and was about to speak up to broke the awkwardness but she suddenly mumbled.

"Why are you being like that?" She uttered.

I frowned as I heard her question.I don't know but I was confused from what she meant by that words.

"Huh?" I asked her again but in just a few moments she just turned around and shook her head.

"N-nothing." she babble and back her sight on the window once again.


It takes some minutes before we could quite close to my company so I didn't even bother to ask her again and just shut up my mouth but since the mood suddenly cold inside my car, I decided to connect my phone to my speaker and played a song.

*Song Played:You made me live again*

throughout our trip we were just listening to the songs that was playing in my car and on a spur of moment were now finally arrived.

When we got off, my 'Soldiers' (employers) greeted me immediately.

"Majesty ...." I waved my hand and smiled at them.

I saw Lorencio and he was automatically picked my stuff and bring them in my personal office room.

"Majesty,the clients was still in the meeting area." He reported.

I nodded.

"Okay I will be there in five minutes." I replied and started to walks inside my company.

"Good Morning,Majesty.."

"Good Morning,Majesty."

"Good Morning,Majesty." They greeted me as I passed them.

"Majesty!"I saw Manager Reyes rushing towards on my direction.

I furrowed my brows and startled when he suddenly called me.Hmm it looks like he was going to tell some important thing.

"Yes?" I turn around and faced him.

"M-majesty *gasp* Our clients was *gasp* Majesty..You need to talk with--- *gasp*Majes----"

"Aishh!! Stop that Majesty of yours!" My eyes got widened when this crazy girl again began to spoke and almost of my employees who heard it was surprised and shocked.

She turned her gaze at me.

"Hey idiot?!" She added.


S-she called me an I-I..idiot?

'Servant' (Secretary) Henry: Well you are here n-----uh? I-Idiot?" He pondered.

She crossed her both arms and turn her focus on Manager Reyes

"Just tell him directly and dropped that Majesty thing.Tch!?" She stated like a boss.

Aish! I just close my eyes to calm down. She always hitting my nerves! What the.

She doesn't even know how to control her mouth.*sighs*I think my head will be going to explode because of this crazy girl.

I exhort as I took a glance of Manager Reyes who was still shocked.

"Let's go" I said and began to walk.I was too busy for this immature fight.She always wasting my time.

I heard her continuously called me an Idiot but I just ignored her.

*Majesty Office*

I was heading to my office instead to the conference room.Our clients were turning back their investment for my company.

I leer and clenched my fist.That Mr.Rodriguez was really betrayed me all this time.

Now I could already saw their motives why they pushed me back then to be my shareholders.tsk.

Some people could stabbed you behind your back so I will be more careful this time and I swear that they will pay from what they've caused in my company.

I will going to get rid and drag them down to the fullest.

I heaved a deep sighed and just shook my head.

I was already near at my office and in a middle of my walked I suddenly stopped when I heard some voices coming from my room.

Hmmm? I Frowned.

I looked at my wrist watch and It was already a lunch time.I didn't expect that I have a visitor in my office this break time hours.

So I slowly approached the door.

"Let CEO Florenzia release his invention by this month so that you can get a big share in his company" I furrowed my brows as I heard them talking about my MindTech project.

I simper and crossed my both arms.Tsk... They too much greedy when it comes to money.

"You should be promoted now sir because you deserved it,just convince CEO Florenzia." He murmured.

I chuckled.

I didn't wait to let the conversation becomes more obsessive and just quickly opened the door.

"H-huh?" They both seemed so shocked from my sudden appearance.

Why? Don't tell me that they didn't expect me to be here in my own office? Tsk. Nice joke.

I cackle as I put my hands inside my pocket and acting like a cool boss in front of them.

'Let the snakes fight each other'

"M-majesty" They said in unison and slightly bowed their heads to show some fake respect.

I laughed a bit and they immediately looked at me and check if I knew something.

What a nice show but---- *glare* it will be more fun and exciting because I was their guests.

"Am I a ghost? That's why you were both seemed surprised?" I jokingly said and cut the tension so that they couldn't think that I already know their plans.

They also laughed to wash away the awkwardness so I decided to sat down on my chair and put the documents on my desk.


"Uncle Mesh? What are you doing in my office?" I innocently asked him and he was suddenly stiffed and couldn't find the right words to answer me.

I grinned and patiently waiting his responds.

"N-nothing, we've been waiting for you a while ago." he stammered and kept avoiding my eyes.

I nodded at him and motioned them to sit down.

"So what are we going to talk about?" I asked him again.They also wasting my time for nothing.

I saw them looking at each other and secretly signalled.

He straightened up and sat down a little closer to me.

"I would like to suggest that we need to release the project of your company within this month" He directly uttered.

I raised my brows as I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms.

The motives was really slightly unwrapped now.

"Well nice opinion.Of course, a lot of money will go into my company and for sure our shareholders give there permission and trusted us even more,right?" I enticed him.

Tsk.I will not be the CEO of my own company if I was easily fooled.I know their hidden agenda and it could be easily seen by their actions.

I know how to play a dirty game either and I was a PRO when it comes to that.

I looked at them again while playing my pen in my hands

"But I think it will be more interesting if I release the project next month." I stated and they both looking each other again and surprised surprised for my announcement.

"But it was too long,Luster.If you delay the releasing of the invention then the people could possible find somethings enjoyable " He immediately appeals.

I chuckled.So this was the 'convincing CEO Florenzia' that they talking about earlier uh?

"I don't think so." I replied and put down my pen.

He looks like that he was really concerned for my company but inside of him was a selfishness thing.

"Consider my opinion,Luster.I mean we need to release the invention as soon as possible to engage and attract more shareholders." He diligently convince me.

I smiled a bit.

"Why?" I instantly asked him.

The way he speak infront of me made me realize that some people could become fool without realizing that their are.

"A-ahm Because we treasure you're company so much and---"


He was about to appeal again but the door was suddenly opened,so I turn my gape on it and---

I closed my eyes as I bite my lower lip.Here we go again.Aish

Uncle Mesh and his assistant suddenly looked at her and wondered.

"Who are you?" He asked her.

Yeah.That crazy robot again but she didn't even bother to answer him and just walk straight towards my direction and slammed my table.


I sighed.I don't know what I am going to do when I was with her.She always pick a fights.

"What now? I've been waiting for your answer, so just tell directly to me!" she utter and filled my office with her raising voice.

I stood up and looked straight in her eyes.

I don't know why she was so interested in that bracelet.

When I met her again, There was something on me that I was so curiously wanted to know.

How could she had it? I mean how could she have the bracelet that was belonged to someone else.

I looked at her once again.

The scar on her neck and even her personality it was all kinda weird and strange.

I want to know more about her.She literally always get me mad and frustrated but she was my only key.

A mystery key to unlocked the truth behind Jaze cases-nine years ago.

I heaved a deep sighed.

"That bracelet......" I initially stated.













"is mine." I continued.