
[Xianel's POV]


"Sh**!" I cursed when Jeb suddenly pulled me which caused me to fell on the floor while my body couldn't move because they also tied me.

I looked at him but he just chuckled and sat on the couch next to him.

I roamed my eyes and I immediately found Jaze also tied up in the hanging bars.

"J..jaze" I called her and she slowly turned her gaze on me.

She looked so pale and I could see on her face that she was tired.She smiled at me and so do I .

D**n! They don't have mercy.I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.

"Good Evening!" I suddenly heard Lex coming downstairs and he looked at me first before he throw his cigarette.

I also saw Cedric and Ram entered at the house together with Mr.Choi..

Wait? Mr.Choi?

I glued my eyes on him as he walked where Lex was.

"Hello,Mr.Choi.It's nice to meet you again." He greeted Mr.Choi.

And what it was all about?

"Yeah,me too,Sir Lex." He greeted back.