First Encounter

(5 minutes later)

I took off my coat and drank the coffee that henry made.

I also spend some minutes waiting for Lorencio but he was still not here.

"Hayy ..." I leaned my back on my chair and take a sip of my coffee.

Why Lorencio--


"Bruu-----AAAAHHH !!!!" I screamed.

I immediately stood up and shocked when I accidentally spit out my coffee on my shirt.

What the!?

I startled after I heard my door suddenly slammed.

Sh*t! I glimpse my door and it was almost shattered because of the impact.

So I averted my eyes from the girl who was standing in front of me.

I steeply stare at her.

"Did Your Parents not even teach you how to knock on the door?" I sarcastically asked.

She raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her both arms.

"They both already dead." She directly answered with a glacial expression on her face.


I was surprised and even took a glance at Lorencio who was stood quietly on my side.

He was also shocked.

How could she just frankly contend about her parents cases?

"Pay me." I regained back on my vice when she affirm again.

"What?" I confusely asked.

But instead of answering my question she suddenly took off her leather jacket and showed the big hole in the back of it.

I just plainly stared at her.

"Then?" I stupely approached her.

“Can't you understand? He almost pulled me back earlier and look at my jacket? it's now ruined! ” she protest.

I bluntly glare at her.

“Then what should I-aaaaaaAAAHHHH!!! OUCH! M-MY HAND AAAAA!"

I winced when she suddenly wrest my hand and twisted it.

"Pay or Injury?" she tormented.

“aaaAAAH!--- ok! Fine! J-just let go of my hands now!” I prithee.

What the heck!?

She rolled her eyes before released my hand.

AISH! My saliva almost dripped after what she did.Tch! if she was not a girl I would totally kill her! D*mn!

I instantly knead my hand.F***! She almost injured my hand.

Meanwhile, I saw her suddenly presented her palm and intensely looked my eyes.

She was so unbelievable.

I took a deep sighed and immediately took my wallet.

“Here! (Give her a money) and don't come back here anymore. ”I annoyingly utter and impatiently dragged her arm out of my office.

She tried to remove my grip but I was more stronger than her.

“Stop!Let go of me! ” she protest and kept grabbing back her arm but on a spur of moment I accidentally leaned her against the wall and locked her up.

I saw her suddenly limp and immediately avoid my eyes.

"W..what are y-you doing ??" she stammered.

Aish! I also wondered why I am doing this.Tch! What are you thinking,Luster? Back to your senses.

On a spur of moment,I was about to move away when she suddenly turn her gaze at me.

I glued my eyes on her.I couldn't see any emotions in her face but her eyes---Her eyes that could tell a story.


There was something on me that made me bothered.I think I've seen her before.

"Why?" She suddenly profess and tilted her face to other side.

But my sight immediately goes down on the left side of her neck and saw a large scar.

I frowned.

Based on the shape of the scar it looks like that she tied up around on her neck.


She also took a glimpse of where I was looking and she was literally shock and immediately covered it with her hand.


I snapped back to my vice when she suddenly yelled so I immediately stepped back away and move to the side.

"Tsk!" She sighed as she hurriedly walked towards the door to leave.

But I remained standing on my postition and continously thinking about her.She looks so familiar but I don't know where I'd seen her. Haist.

There was something on me that---that-- *sighs* Nevermind.I think I was just too exhausted today.

So I was about to sat down on my chair again to rest a bit when Lorencio suddenly called me.

"M..majesty" She utter while still bowed his head.

I looked at his dirty office uniform and heaved a deep sighed.

If I wasn't ordered him to went outside in the first place then he will never got into a trouble.

I took my wallet again.

"Here (giving him some money) buy a new clothes." I mumbled.

He suddenly turn his gaze at me and wondered.He was also shook his head and didn't accept my money.

" won't fire me?" He asked and patiently waiting my response.

I chuckled.

He was always th Lorencio that I've known before.

“Of course not.Let's now dropped that idea and just answer my question. ” I mutter.

He quickly nodded.

"What happened earlier? I mean how that girl suddenly appeared on your way?" I curiously asked.

That woman was so strange.

"I was about to drive the car when I suddenly saw her rushing towards on the other side of the lane but I didn't stop right away which caused her to bump on the back of the car." He explained.

From what I heard about her she could be in a serious injury by now but she looks like she was totally fine after the incident earlier.


And what was her reason why she carelessly crossed the lane? Haist.

I looked at my Secretary.

"All right you may go now Lorencio" I utter and motioned him.

"Yes Majesty." He replied and immediately left my office.

Xianel Alvarez POV


I steeply stared myself in the mirror where I could clearly saw a longitudinal wound on my back.

“D***!” I cursed.

if I was not on a trouble earlier then I could have a chance to chased the man that I bumped into.Tch!

That man---

I suddenly felt somethings strange when I heard his voice.I was not sure but I totally

I intensely pulled my hair because of annoyance.

S**t! That company made my plan failed! What the! How stupid that his secretary recklessly driving the car and didn't checked if there was no people around him.

Tch! And also his pathetic boss who made me dumbfounded inside his room! That guy really makes me mad.

I exhort and just fell my body to my bed to take a nap.I'm tired. *sighs* This day makes me feel so much exhau---

"Stop! Let go of me!" I protest and when I was about to pulled my hand out of him.He suddenly leaned me on the wall and pinned.

Were both glued each other eyes.

W-wait? What the he**!? I immediately opened my eyes again after that jerk appeared on my mind and saw his face.

Why do I think of that guy? tss He was so annoying! hmfft.

I stood up to back my senses and come out to my balcony to smell some fresh air but before I could reach it my eyes suddenly drawn to my cabinet.

I gritted my teeth as I clenched my fist.I saw the towel that he used when the killer tied me on the corner.

I kept it as my evidence but every time I saw that thing,I couldn't help myself but to feel useless.

"S**t!" I cursed.

Nine years had been passed but I still don't know the main reason why they did it to my family.

I need to make my move to find them.Those people was the only one who can spill the truth.

I smiled bitterly.

But I'll make sure that they will pay me back from what they have done to my parents.

I rather see them suffers in my hands and experience my revenge than to take them in the jail.

I want to kill them and shred those fleshes into a tiny pieces.I can make their lives brutally tortured before they leave the world.

They ruthlessly murder my parents in front of me.

I wish that I could held their hands to help them but I couldn't do anything because I was tied up.

"They have no mercy" I divulge as my tears suddenly dripping from my eyes.


I hefty threw the towel in the mirror and stared myself on it as I tweaked my hair.

I own this body but my soul wasn't me.The Xianel that I know who was always smiling and innocent was totally gone and didn't even exist in the world.

I burst into a laughter

They made me rebel that could literally drag them down soon.

I will find them no matter what and do my task that I've been longing for.

I turn my gaze on the side of my bed where my gun was located and planning to shoot the mirror but I suddenly heard a knock on my door.

"Xianel? Open the door."


I frowned when I heard his voice.What he was doing here?

I remained in my position and didn't open the door.

I don't want to talk to him for now.I just need to regained back my vice to plan my next move.

"Xianel? please...I have something to discuss with you" He contend that made me stopped.


I put my gun down and hide it under on my bed before I opened my door.

"Let's talk" He seriously assert while showing me a small box.




"I went back to the place where the incident happened and I found something (a bracelet with J.F written on it) here." He utter.

I furrowed my brows.

A bracelet?

I took a glance on it and checked every details.When it comes to sizes the bracelet looks like made for five to six year-old ages.

"I'm sure that the owner of that bracelet knows what happened to you " He assured.

My chest suddenly began to pound from what he said.

If that person knows the truth behind the murder case then why my memory couldn't remember that there was also another people inside the house?

It could be possible?

"Aah!" I giggled when my head suddenly hurts.


"Are you alright?" He asked and was about to assist me but I immediately motioned him to stop.

I calm myself first and took a deep breath before I response.

"I need to find that person." I assert.

The person who own this bracelet was the key to find those people who ruined my parents lives.

I saw him nodded.

"All right.We will look for it tomorrow." He presume but I shook my head and looked at him.

"No.I will find that person by myself." I affirm.

It would be better if I was the one who do the first move because it might be too dangerous for us if we rushing any decision without a plan.

"But--" He didn't continue what he was going to say when I interrupted him.

"I will seek for help if I needed.Don't worry." I assured.





"Hi! This is Shanthal, the daughter of Zin Company.Zeque magazine was releasing a new article today and they include the favor that you want me to do so promise me that you're going to kept what we are deal for."


I received a message from the Zin Co. girl and as what we had agreed that she will going to publish it.

Well I was impressed at her somehow because she kept what I said so I will also keep my promise to her.

I'm not betrayer.Once a person shows Loyaly with me then I will do the same thing.

I picked my phone and deleted her pictures.I also took a screenshot and sent it to her for proof.

"Get ready" I mumbled as I leaned my back on my chair while took a sip of my tea.

I cackle.

My instinct says that It will be going easier now to find them one by one.

Let's see and wait.

[Unknown POV]

"Sir,This was the article you want to take a look"

I raised my eyebrows and took the magazine that he gave.

"Zeque Magazine" I mentioned.

I received a call from Ram about the article that the company released early in the morning.

I opened the magazine October Month Issue and turn the page to the article section.

I just checking the page until I saw an address at the left side.

"1485 EMT Village"

Sh*t! What is all about?

I suddenly slammed the table after I saw the contents.

"Who's published it!?" I shouted at my people.

It can't be happen! I don't want any hindrance to ruined my reputation! That f***ing address!

"Find out the person who gave the message in this article.NOW!" I screech and they immediately left the room.


I clenched my fist and squeezed my cigarette.

"I will kill whoever you are.You wouldn't be able to exist in my world." I assured.