Chapter 5

Vikram's POV

The interns had already joined and as per the rules, the interns were allotted the doctors they would assist. I had just performed surgery and was going to enter my cabin when I heard someone laughing. I saw a very beautiful girl and 2 young handsome boys were talking.

" Where do you think you all are? " I said loudly, they all stopped laughing once they heard me.

They all stood up like kids. Just 2 minutes back this room was bursting with laughter and now there was a pin drop silence.

I entered the room and all of them greeted me. The girl was staring at me as if she saw a ghost and froze.

The doctors gave their introduction but the girl seemed to be somewhere else mentally.

Well, it does happen with girls when they look at me. But this case seemed different. She seemed to shrink away from me.

" Hello, Ms. ....? " But she didn't react. She was looking at me with a shocked expression. I looked at the doctors and one of them supplied her name, Sandhya. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Don't start.

" Hello !! Are you in this room Ms... ? I have been talking to you and you are lost somewhere." I was glaring at her now.

" I am sorry sir."

" You better be. You are not some silly students who fool around in their college. You all are at the hospital. "

" Yes sir, we are sorry." Dr Chirag said and I glared at him.

" Now please take your seats. " I said

" I want you to know, that I don't accept tardiness. You need to be on time. Have to follow your schedule. You will take your work very seriously. I want your daily reports. You will take your rounds and make notes and show them to me. Is that ok with all of you? "

" Yes sir. "

I introduced them to all the nurses, ward boys etc. And also gave them their duty timings, schedule and exchanged our phone numbers.

I looked at her and again she was lost in her thoughts.

" Miss Sandhya ??? Are you on the earth? Stop your mind from wandering around. I want your full attention here on me. Understand???"

She just nodded.

Just then my fellow doctor came and asked me to go for lunch.. but I didn't want to go with her so I said that I am busy with Gautam. She left.

" So you all may leave, just meet me here after about an hour. Don't be late." I instructed them and they nodded.

We took rounds and they took notes. Sandhya talked to the little boy who was to be operated after 2 days. She whispered something near his ear and he was all smiling. This girl was beautiful and sweet. But somehow she was not comfortable around me.

I had to do a surgery so I went to Operation theatre. The operation could not be done as his vitals were not stable, so I changed into my clothes and came to have a coffee. I took it and turned to see her sitting there with her notes. She was gathering them. I went to her.

" What are you doing here. Your duty is over. " I asked her.

" Yes sir, I was going. I wanted to finish my work as I was free. It is finished now so I was leaving as you entered. May I take your leave now?"

" Yes, of course, You may. " I said sipping my coffee.

" Thank you, sir. " She left the table and started walking towards the door. I was still looking at her. There was something strange about her.

Just then I saw a good looking man came and smiled at her and she smiled back.

He asked something to her enthusiastically. She replied with a smile. He said something and was dragging her towards the cafeteria.

" I just had a coffee, It was good." He asked her what would she eat.

" I am not hungry. Please let's just go and you should not eat all that ."

" Oh, it doesn't matter... Chill yaar. "

He bought a plate of pasta and two coffees. " What will you have?" He asked her.

" Nothing, You know that. "

"Ok, have at least one spoonful." He said and she ate it. I know she was looking at me. from the corner of her eyes.

I somehow didn't like the way they were together. Who was he to her? Boyfriend? Fiance ? she went with him, It didn't feel very good.

Gautam was also free by now he came to meet me and went to take a coffee. I was still thinking about her, but why?

" Hey, Vikram !! What are you doing sitting here and lost somewhere else?? Don't tell me you are thinking about Aditi. " He winked at me and I glared at him. He knows so well that she irritates both of us.

" So what is the matter? Why are you tensed? " I asked him.

" Yaar it gets awkward, every time I meet, Mehul and Megha. You know that I almost proposed her. Mehul gets tensed whenever we both are there. I can't avoid them forever. Tell me what to do? " He looked embarrassed.

" Yes, I felt that too. Come on Gautam, Turn on your charm and just sweep a girl off her feet. Or another option... Don't you have some friend, whom you can introduce as your girlfriend in front of them? Then this awkwardness would go."

He thought for a minute or two and said, " Maybe you are right. But whom can I introduce as my girlfriend? "

" How about Aditi? " I winked at him and he showed me a punch. I laughed.

We both got up and went home.


Next day, I reached the hospital and went to my cabin. Again the three interns were standing near my cabin and as a usual doctor, Chirag was cracking some jokes and Dr Ajay and Sandhya laughing at his jokes.

She looked so beautiful smiling and laughing. Her big beautiful eyes started shining when she smiled. She was very beautiful and had a very nice, toned body with that. Her smile could bring anything to life.

I was standing there looking at her when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. Everyone turned to look at me. I went into the cabin and they all followed.

I asked them many questions regarding the patients whom they met the day before. Dr Chirag and Dr Ajay were very proficient and answered correctly. Then I asked

Ms Sandhya and she gave me a diet chart for every single patient, according to their food preferences, diseases, allergies and their requirements.

Impressive... Interesting... Beautiful...

The young boy was denying to eat the porridge that was given to him for breakfast. She went to him and asked, " What happened little young man? " He smiled faintly and said, "This is very boring, I don't want to eat this. "

" But this is very good for you... You want to grow into a strong handsome man. Right? Then you need to get operated. You'll have to eat healthy food."

" But I can't even think of eating it. It is tasteless. Moreover, I hate it. You try and taste it. I don't want to eat anything at all. "

She took a spare spoon and tasted it and whispered something near his ear. He picked up the spoon and started eating it. She smiled and ruffled his hair a bit and said, " Good boy... I mean young man." He smiled and whispered something. She nodded. What promise???

She must have forgotten that I was standing right behind her. She turned and saw me and then ignored me and walked to the next patient.
