Chapter 9

Sandhya's POV

He sat down with me and just kept sipping his coffee.

" I must say, that you made very good diet plans for both the patients. You are really good at it you must work hard and one day you will be the best in your field."

" Thank you, sir, thank you so much."

He picked up his sandwich but kept it back. He just kept sipping his coffee and didn't eat anything. That was not healthy. I try to stop myself, but I could not.

I just blurted out, " Sir, I think you should eat something you are only having coffee you will have acidity. "

" Yes, but I don't feel like eating a sandwich, it is very boring."

I didn't want to say that but I said, " Sir if you don't mind, you can share my food." Though I was tensed that he might think that, I was trying to...

" Are you sure? I mean you don't have any problem? "

" No sir. "

I had spicy Paneer Bhurji with parantha. I usually get more food as my friends love to share food with me especially the one which is made by me.

I took a plate and served food for him and he ate one bite of it. He must have liked it as a little moan escaped from his throat. He finished his food and I served more. He ate that as well.

" Hey!!! Did you make it? " He asked me, I did but I didn't want to let him know. So I simply said, " No my aunt made it, he thanked me for the food and left.

I picked up the sandwiches, and took them out and gave them to a young poor girl who was playing on the road. She took them and thanked me. I love to see her while she ate heartily.

In the evening we all left for home as we decided to meet there in the mall where

Dr Akash was giving us the party. Shubh picked me up from the hospital and took me home. I told him that I can go to the mall on my own, he didn't have to pick and drop me everywhere.

I knew how to drive, but he said it is not safe for me to go alone at night, so he would pick and drop me from the mall also.

He took me to the mall and so much so that he even went up to the food court.

For god sake, stop doing that. "

" Doing what?? "

" Shubh, do you even know how irritating you are? "

He grinned again and said, " I know and I am. My sweet little sandy."

" Ughhh ... "

I saw my friends and waved at them.

" Listen now that your friends are here, I am going from here but I would not be very far away. As soon as this party is over, please call me, I will come and pick you up. I am just nearby, just a phone call away. "

I nodded and he just turned and go.

I turned to see Dr Rathore and his friend Dr Gautam were standing there. They must have just entered inside. I just nodded at both of them and joined all the others. I wished

Dr Aakash a very happy birthday and give him a gift. I got a few bestseller books for him.

He smiled and said, " Thank you, but you didn't have to do it. I am a bit older for getting gifts on my birthday now." I smiled.

We all settled down we were having a light conversation when I saw that a very beautiful young lady who was sitting with on another table with a very handsome man, waved in our direction.

Dr Rathore and Dr Gautam waved back at her. They both excused themselves and went to meet them. The man hugged both of them. Dr Rathore hugged that woman. They all seemed like very good friends. Though Dr Gautam looks a bit uncomfortable.

I felt as if the woman was looking at me, but it could be my misunderstanding. Why would she? She doesn't even know me... I averted my eyes from there and after 5 minutes both of them came back.

My friend Ruchika asked me,

" So Sandhya, who was that very handsome man, who came to drop you here? He usually comes to pick and drop you the hospital. Is he someone special in your life, boyfriend or something? "

I was shocked for a minute and then I just burst out laughing.

" Boyfriend?? Oh, God !! No, he is my overprotective and over caring brother, Shubh. I am sick and tired of him, treating me as a child. For god sake,k I am 22 and he still treats me as if I am 2 or 4 years old."

" Hey, but he is so cute and handsome. You are so mean. " She said.

" Like seriously?? Really? You think that he is so handsome. Oh my god, that's a nice one, I will tell him. He would be more than happy to know, that in this whole universe at least one person thinks that is very handsome. "

" Cut the crap Sandhya..."

" But I am concerned about you Ruchika. please get your eyes checked. Take an appointment with the eye specialist. "

" What??? But why?? My eyes are fine." She looked confused.

" In that case make an appointment with the psychiatrist. You need to get your mind checked. I mean, you need to see, if your mind is working properly. Because you find him handsome." I was laughing and almost everyone was smiling. So much so that even Dr Devil was smiling.

Oh God !! he was smiling. He looked so good while smiling. He looked like a young little boy.

" Very funny he is very handsome."

" Ok, ok if you say so. I'll introduce him to you when he comes to pick me up. " she blushed.

" Don't you know, how to drive? " Asked Chirag.

" Of course, I can drive very well and I've been doing it when I was in college I used to drive my car, but now I don't know why, but he insists that he will pick me and drop me every single day. " I said.

The food was served and Dr Aakash cut the cake and all of us enjoyed a lot...

When the party was over I called Shubh and he came within 15 mins and I introduced him to everyone.

Vikram's POV

Gautam and I reached the mall for the party, the moment we entered the food court, we saw her with him. she was looking so pretty. She was wearing a black dress which made her look even more beautiful.

Who was he to her? It looked as if they were in love. That man looked so concerned about her. Why do they always have to be together? Even if they are in love they must not publicly display it. Why is he always around her like a possessive lover? Irritating man.....

I don't want to attend the party, but Aakash wouldn't let me go back.

She said bye to him and came where everyone else was. Everybody settled down. Just then I saw somebody body waved at us. It was Megha. We waved back at her. Gautam and I excuse ourselves and we went to meet Megha and Mehul.

" What a pleasant surprise... " Mehul said to us and hugged us.

I hugged Megha and Gautam was avoiding any eye contact with her and Mehul. He still feels awkward because of that day...

Mehul asked, " Who are those people? Some of them seemed to be a bit younger than us. Most of the girls are looking at us now..."

" They are fellow doctors, dieticians and interns. We are here for a party one of our fellow doctors is giving as it is his birthday." I said in a bored tone looking at a certain someone in a black dress.

" Well quite a group, I must say. A few very pretty girls, Specially the one in the black dress. Beautiful !! Is she not Vikram?" Megha said teasing me.

How did she know? She is talented.

I just smiled and said, " Well not my type... "

But somehow I felt that I was lying. Maybe I am not her type. She already has someone in her life.

" What about you, Gautam? What is your type??" Megha asked him smiling.

Oh, God !! Poor Gautam and poor Mehul. Gautam was already avoiding looking at them.

" N-no one. I think we should go back there, we came with them. It looks very rude if we avoid them for long. " Gautam said. Mehul nodded and he left. I followed him to our table.