Chapter 14

Sandhya's POV

I got up early in the morning, did my daily routine and got ready to go to the hospital. It has been three days since that day. Dr Rathore had not come to the hospital.

He behaved that day as if he was shocked by my outburst. He seemed to be lost. As if he had said those things, just like that and was shocked to see the impact it had on my life.

But why is he not coming to the hospital? Is he fine? Shall I ask Dr Gautam?

But, why should I bother? It doesn't matter, if he is well or not, I don't care...

My mom called me yesterday, they are back to India. I was very happy about it. It has been a very long time since I went home. I was missing them.

They told me that there was a marriage proposal for me had come. The family was very good and the man himself was very handsome, educated and well settled.