Chapter 19

Vikram's POV

She used the microwave and brought hot food to our table. She waited for her friends and called them, but they were busy.

" So did you make all this Sandhya? " She hesitated for a minute and nodded.

She served food for Gautam but he took the plate and passed it on to me. She had to serve another plate for him.

I ate the bean salad it was so perfectly prepared... Spicy, tangy, with lots of fruits and veggies. It was delicious.

Then and I took a bite of parantha and I knew that probably that proverb was true... The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

She seems to be entering my heart...

Hey but, Gautam was eating it too.

He tried both the things and said, " Can I kiss your hand please? "

Before she could say anything, I said, " NO " too quickly and kicked him under the table. But he kept looking at her with a smile on his face.

" Well, Go and kiss Maurvi's hand. " I said shooting glared at him, but he was being thick-skinned.