Chapter 10

Vidhi's POV

It was getting late. I looked outside to see, why Bhai and bhabhi had not come yet from their get together with Gautam Bhai and his girlfriend.

To my surprise, they were already there and while bhabhi wanted to come inside, he was keeping her to him. She was blushing so much and bhai had a teasing smile on his face.

Just then I saw Shubh going towards the door.

Oh no !! I have to stop him from going out. What do I do??

" Wait !! " I almost shouted. He turned to look at me.

" Who ?? Me?? " he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Oh, God !! Now, what do I say to him??

" Yes... Where are you going to?? " I asked.

Why am I asking???

" Why ?? "

" Just asking... Just like that. "

" But you were avoiding me during the dinner. "

" So?? I was angry... "

" So?? What happened now?? " he smiled.

" Nothing... I thought to forgive you but you first say sorry to me. "

" Sorry to you?? Why?? "

" Just say it... Whatever you said yesterday was not fair. "

" Oh please... Every single word of it was true. "

" Even if it was... Say sorry. "

" Are you crazy by any chance? What makes you think that I would say sorry to you?? " he was smirking now.

" I don't know... " I said as I didn't know what else to say. I didn't want him to go out like last time I saw outside, my Bhai was holding bhabhi in his arms and it looked he was going to kiss her. I had to stop him here.

" Say it... because it hurt me."

" Then you should learn from it as it was true. " He said and started turning to go out.

Oh no, Vidhi... Stop him.

" You know what?? You are rude and arrogant. " I said going closer to him.

" Ok thanks... I already know that " He said.

What ??? No arguments ???

" How can you say that you are a normal human being? Do you think I am not?? " I said poking him at his hard chest.

He looked a bit surprised at my behaviour. I myself was, but I didn't want all of them to be embarrassed when he saw them kissing.

" Then you said that I can not pick up my bags or I may fall and you would not be able to save me this time. Do you think I can not walk properly? Sorry to inform you but, I have been walking on this earth for more than 20 years. Did you save me from falling during all those years?? No, I managed on my own. I may be a bit clumsy but it doesn't give you a right to talk to me like that. " I got carried away while saying so and I went very close to him and poked on his chest again.

He looked at my hand and then at my face. And then precisely at my lips. I gulped and then he looked into my eyes.

" It was a joke, Vidhi... Don't take it seriously. " He said with a cute smile. I knew it was a joke. But I didn't like it.

" A joke?? A joke?? You made fun of me... And on top of that, you want me to chill. What do you think of me?? Am I a laughing stock for you?? You may take it as a joke, but I was hurt. I think... You must apologise. " I had to finish this drama now.

I turned my face to look out of the window. Bhai still had her in his arms.

Oh, God !! I hate my Bhai...

I closed my eyes. I can't save the embarrassment now. I turned to go but he caught my hand.

" Listen Vidhi, I am sorry for what I said. I swear, it was a light-hearted teasing. Nothing else. I didn't mean to hurt you. It was a joke, you are not... You are a very sweet and cute girl. " He said looking into my eyes. He said very sincerely.

His eyes were very dark. I was lost in them. We were like ice and fire, but I kind of liked him.

Just then someone called him. He released my hand and went inside saying sorry once again. He was so sweet.

Bhai was about to kiss her again when I opened the front door of the house and went out.

" Enough Bhai, stop your drama and let the poor girl go. You are too much." I said and caught Bhabhi's hand and pulled her out of his arms.

" What do you mean by too much? You always come at the wrong time. Could you not come after minutes. " He said.

" For the last 10 minutes, You are just saying things to make her blush more. You know, her brother would have come out anytime by now. I saved you from him. "

" For your kind information, I am not scared of her brother.. " he said to me.

" He would have punched you." Sandhya bhabhi said with a smile.

" Oh, Hello?? Don't even go there, he punched me all of a sudden. I didn't punch him back that day as he was upset with a valid reason and he didn't know that I was going to get engaged to you. Now he would not as I have a license to officially flirt with you. "

" Ok Bhai and bhabhi... Let me tell you something. But what do I get, if I tell you? " I wiggled my eyes.

" You won't get anything, you are already taking my card tomorrow. "

" Are you sure, you don't want to know?" I asked them with a smirk.

" No, I don't want... " Bhai said.

" Think before you speak brother. You might have to eat your own words." I said but he just rolled his eyes.

" Well ok !!! What can I do if you don't want to know... your wedding date?? "

" What?? Our wedding date? It has been finalised? When is it? "

" I remember very clearly that someone was not interested in knowing about anything. Suddenly asking me 4 questions. " I rolled my eyes. He was irritated by now.

" Shoot now... "

" Why should I? You are being rude to me. " I was frowning now.

" Vidhi ... " He was saying but Sandhya bhabhi cut him short.

" Vidhi would you please tell me at least ? " bhabhi said.

" Ok, it is exactly one month from now. " I said with a smile to her.

" What?? Seriously? What is the hurry? " Bhabhi said.

" What is the hurry?? Are you crazy? Why so late?? I want to get married as soon as possible. " Bhai said.

" Sandhya?? Why are three of you standing outside? Come inside. " Shubh said he was coming towards us.

" Hi, Shubh !! No, I think we must leave now. Sandhya was about to call Vidhi when she came out and told us that our wedding date has been finalised. " I told him and he nodded.

" Bye Shubh, thanks in advance for taking my crazy sister to shop with you. I hope you don't regret your decision of going along with them. All the best bro... " He said and I stomped on his foot. He winced a bit and then grinned at his joke.

" I swear, I hate going shopping but you were busy and I can't let them go alone. And anyway I have to do my shopping as well. So... " Shubh said.

" Take proper rest. Tomorrow is going to be tough. " He said with a teasing grin.

" Bhai I hate you. I am going to shop till I drop and you will pay the bill. Now smile and have fun at my expense and I will shop at your expense." I said and he closed his eyes and put one hand on his heart.

Drama queen...

We said goodbye and we both went home.

Shubh's POV

Oh, God!! Was she hurt that much by what I said ?? I was just teasing her but I felt bad that my words hurt her.

My heart had started jumping irrationally when she came very close to me and poked at my chest. She should not go that close to any man but she is too carefree.

I kept thinking about her only.


We were going shopping. So I wore a casual white button-down shirt with blue denim. Sandy got ready in casual clothes a white top and black jeans, her hair tied in a high ponytail a minimum amount of makeup.

" Shubh you are looking very handsome." She said and I smiled.

The doorbell rang and I went to open the door. Vidhi was looking very pretty. She said hello to me hugged Sandy and whispered something and blushed. Vikram Ji said hello to everyone. His eyes shone with love when he saw Sandy.

Vikram Ji said, " Ok, enjoy your shopping, three of you... And Vidhi try not to bankrupt me. Shubh and Sandhya, please keep an eye on her... Or by the evening there won't be a single Rupee in my account." He was grinning like anything.

" Just you wait and watch Bhai... You are going to pay dearly for this. After all, it is your wedding. " She said with a devilish look.

Cute and beautiful devil...

Everyone was laughing at their

light banters. Vikram left for the hospital.

After around half an hour we also went for shopping.