Class Change

Vanessa skipped through the desert, kicking up up fake sand with Jaivva. The two girls frequently stopped to shake their chests and shimmy down to their knees before continuing skipping. They sang songs of victory from killing many aliens in individual missions they got from other players. They came towards the ship where Logan was leaning against some stolen cargo from alien survivors.

"Good killing day I take it," said Logan while drinking from a canteen.

"Oh yeah," said Vanessa, "We just helped out the guys take out a mother alien. What we did was hide until they drew it out into the open. Dani blew it up after we shot at its neck".

"Interesting," said Logan while staring at Vanessa without a clear expression.

"Something wrong Logan," asked Jaivva.

Logan shook his head and answered, "I was thinking about both of your stats. I think Vanessa should change her job classes to a more balanced class as opposed to a sheer physical DPS class. Whereas Jaivva, you should probably be more of a defensive, supporting class like a cleric".

Jaivva crinkled her nose and asked, "Hold up. I have been killing it as a damage dealer. Why do I have to fall back as support"?

Logan said, "You don't have to do anything. It's merely a suggestion based on your stats and scores from your tests. Besides, many healers and buffers actually can fight".

Jaivva calmed down answering, "Well imma keep destroying things because I like it".

Logan nodded until Vanessa asked, "Why a balanced class though"?

Logan explained that one's damage isn't determined by class nor pathway, but rather stats. Therefore, one should choose a class based on their stats and achieve an optimal pathway.

Vanessa stared at Logan with her eyes squinted and lips held to the right side of her face. She trusted Logan and decided to think about his proposal.

Jaivva asked, "In other news Logan, we're about to head out to the mall. Would you like to court two young beautiful women as they spend their hard-earned money on lavishing clothes and accessories? In fact, Vanessa would feel honored if you bought her something".

Vanessa began to blush, waiting for Logan's answer. Unfortunately, he rejected it. Vanessa felt her heart shatter like broken glass as Logan had never spent any time with her outside of the studio.

Jaivva dropped her jaw and said, "Well have fun, Logan! We're going out"!

"Okay. Have fun," said Logan in a monotone voice right before he headed out drinking his canteen.

Once Logan was gone, Jaivva turned to Vanessa and apologized. Vanessa assured Jaivva that it was okay. But Jaivva only assumed there was something wrong with Logan. Yet, he did help her make a lot of player points and real cash on the side.

Vanessa smiled and began leading the way to the exit so the two girls can enjoy the rest of their day in reality.


October had finally come, but students were already dead inside. They dragged their feet wondering if there were any Halloween Parties to crash. But not Vanessa. She skipped and twirled throughout the school halls with her now orange hair with red highlights.

Jaivva was leaning on a wall, thumb smacking her new smartphone at 1000 words per second following with a selfie. Jaivva looked up and saw her weirdo friend prancing, now stop and give her a smile with two fingers up.

"It really does look good on you," said Jaivva with her mouth wide.

"I knew it," said Vanessa as she bounced her head with her hips, "I am all material".

A little voice spoke, "And soon your skin will be the material of a new coat".

Vanessa shivered to see Dani standing at her side.

Dani continued, "Your skinless body will then be forced to work in the fields of an evil witch where only the flees will be your companion".

Vanessa's eyes grew wide to which Jaivva commented, "You should wear contacts".

But Vanessa replied with her hands on her cheeks, "I am too scared that they will damage my eyes".

Dani began yelling, "Fail to complete your work and surely the witch will tear out your eyes".

Vanessa squirmed while shaking her head.

"Is this a haunted mansion or a book you're talking about?" asked Jaivva.

Dani began staring up as she attempted to remember the full message. It had something to do with fear. There was maybe no magic. It could probably be a team event as well.

Jaivva teased Dani's memory of the conditions just to further tease her potential party plans with friends versus enjoying an actual haunted mansion at the studio.

Vanessa spoke up, " I think it will be pretty sca-".

Dani cut into Vanessa to say, "It's horrible. You know how in haunted mansions everything is scary, but can't touch you? Well in the studio everything can touch you. It is scary. It is the absolute worst month of the year. June is obviously the hardest, but people will literally skip October which makes it harder for the people who do still play because there is less help".

"Why is June the hardest," asked Vanessa.

Dani's eyes widened as she took a step back. June was the big month of them all. The time when all players gave everything to defeat the game and were likely to make it to pro. It was the moment where one would either transcend to the pro-leagues or fall back to their deadbeat lives with their parents.

The two girls inquired wisdom for preparation of which Dani smugged that all hope was futile. After all, Halloween themes suck. She told stories of being trapped, chased, and even tortured for the sake of Halloween. She had only been playing for one October but that one was more than enough.

Vanessa and Jaivva weren't scared. But rather they were puzzled that Dani had chosen to skip school the moment their conversation had ended. Both girls had to admit that they loved that tiny ginger.

"Oh wow. It's Logan," shouted Jaivva as she pointed over to him.

Vanessa quickly saw Logan slouching down the hall with bags under his eyes.

"Hey Logan!" yelled Vanessa. "What are you doing at school? You always skipping! Just like Dani".

Logan stared idly thinking about why he came to school. "I forgot to be honest. I think I might have something to do. Maybe a test or something," he said.

"Really," asked Jaivva, "What about the beautiful Vanessa's hair? Do you like her hair"?

Vanessa turned to her right side and kicked her left foot back as she stuck out her chest and smiled.

There was nothing new nor special about Vanessa in Logan's eyes. He shrugged his shoulders and exposed Vanessa for the cosplay dances she does in private at the studio. A grin shined on Jaivva's face from this new gossip.

He further mocked her for being shy about her talents. This earned him a scolding from Jaivva followed by a couple of hits to his back.

Jaivva had determined they had enough of Logan and pushed him away. Vanessa was fidgeting. He wished them well on their studies as Vanessa pouted and waved him goodbye.