The Flying Skinwalker

The Wild Bunch walked past the stones they hid by the night prior to investigate the outskirts. The tracks were already blown away. Luckily Logan had seen it run to the mountains.

They ran in a formation through the desert. Unlike September, The run was actually long.

"How is it so far?" asked Jaivva.

"They are simulating a desert," answered Andres.

Jaivva snapped, "I know that! But when I first played with you all, or actually the second time, we had to run through a desert and it was not this far! It looked far, but we got there quick"!

Hakim answered, "Distances and perceptions change every month and sometimes within the month". Just because you experienced an event such as a run or even a gunfire one way does not mean you will ever experience the same event the same way again".

Andres took another look at the map, realizing the mountains were roughly 100 miles from town.

"My bad," he said as Logan shot out a pin flare.

"No way they would have us run over 100 miles," said Jaivva.

Vanessa then stated, "I don't think it is actually 100 miles. That is probably what they are wanting to simulate".

Hakim shook his head, "Exactly. Andres should've checked that before heading out. It was likely meant for us to find an alternative way to get out here".

Jeff apologized to the team for his failure. It was Andres who reassured him that it was his, the tank, fault.

Everybody laughed as Jaivva held none back, "Well it is a good thing I said something because I don't run Cross Country. I ran track. I am a sprinter. Don't ever bring me to run anything more than 1 mile. Call a taxi because I am not about this".

Not long after did they see a rescue cart come towards them in the desert. Sure enough, it was Chad driving with Iku. Everyone was happy except Andres

"Where ya headed good adventurers?" asked Iku as happily as ever.

Jeff answered in a dramatic tone, "To the mountains which no one dares to venture my trusty rescuers".

Chad sat confused with his hand following his voice, "My dear sir, have you done lost your marbles? Have ye not heard of the demon El Tio"?

Jeff stood firm with his hands on his hip, "Of course I know El Tio! He's my uncle".

Chad was more confused, "Why is it every Cuban and Puerto Rican says that"?

Iku then confirmed, "I think it is Spanish. It sounds Spanish and I know people who are Colombian and Mexican that say that too".

Jeff shrugged his shoulders before Chad brought them on board.

Logan laughed, "Jaivva is about to be really mad now".

Jaivva who was completely confused asked "why".

Logan kept silent along with the rest of the team. Vanessa was just as confused.


After about 5 minutes of driving, Chad came to a stop. Every profanity possible poured from Jaivva's mouth. The boys were laughing like dogs, except Andres who seemed saddened.

Hakim managed to explain, "If the game wants to simulate location B is 100 miles away from location A, but in reality, the distance is only 300 meters, then what the game will do is alter your perception to have you walk or in our case run around in circles or zigzags without you realizing it".


They searched through the mountain, unable to find anything. Andres was moping because Iku refused to come with them.

A burning smell that reminded Logan and Dani of a raw pig on fire, drew their attention. They alerted the team before following the smell. It didn't take long to stumble upon a stone furnace with a bloodied man burning alive.

Jeff used his team to form a defense around it. Vanessa and Andres punched through the stone bricks to pull the man out.

Once the man was free, Jeff failed to resuscitate him. Jaivva noticed the failure and rushed over to perform CPR. Before running into the formation, Vanessa saw a gang of Indians running over.

She yelled for the team to run. Jaivva fireman carried the victim along with the team as they escaped to the peak. Once there, they faced downward in the prone firing position.

"Get ready!" yelled Jeff as his team was aiming their revolvers.

To his surprise, the Indians also stopped. They pulled out small rifles and shot back. That alone was enough for Jeff to draw his men back for a retreat.

"Chad! Chad! Chad" yelled The Wild Bunch.

Chad was having a good time until they heard the screams. The Wild Bunch running for their lives. He quickly lashed his horses for another rescue. Iku climbed on top of the wagon, laid in the prone position, and aimed down with her rifle.

When he got near, everybody boarded his carriage.

He drove out into the desert after setting off a few pin flares. A giant flying beast was soaring after them. It was an awkward-looking creature that resembled a fat man with big eyes and skinny legs. Its feathers were light brown and the wings were big enough to carry him through the air.

Iku shot at the creature, bringing it down towards the sand. Vanessa who was worried her bullets would have no effect was rest assured by Hakim that Iku was a great marksman that was good at hitting weak points.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before The Paragon Sisters came. They drove near the creature and fired spear into it until it died.


Once the two teams reached the town, the sheriff stood waiting for answers. Jeff immediately fumbled his way to explain what happened. Andres and Jaivva carried the burnt man with them. Even Chad confirmed Jeff's bumbling was true.

That long stride belong to Pattie walked past them and took control. she lied claiming The Wild Bunch was out serving El Tio. She further took credit for saving the burnt man, the mayor's son, and defeating the skinwalker.

Satisfied by her charm, the Sheriff smiled, "That you did".

The Wild Bunch watched their credit get stolen as the ambulance carried the victim away. The Sisters rode with the sheriff to leave.

Chad shook his head clarifying that as "Superheroes" The Paragon Sisters are always cops. Thus he would've taken their side anyway. Logan figured the sheriff was likely trying to earn the mayor's favor for self-gain.

Throwing his hands, Jeff asked, So what do we do"?

Dani then spoke, "Hate to say it, but we should get ready for the bounty coming on our heads".

The entire team threw their hands down, except for Dani and Logan, with the realization that The Paragon Sisters had put the bounty on their heads before.