
Mimi led Dani through the field. They snuck around barely touching a single corn in the field. They used sign language to speak. Dani followed looking around for any potential threats but saw none. Unfortunately, it was a little too dark for Dani nor Mimi to see almost anything.

Mimi looked around one more time and said, "It should be around here".

"What is" asked, Dani.

Mimi then replied, "This basement thingy".

Dani noticed something vaguely grey in the dark not too far from them. The two were a little scared to just run and check it out. Mimi scanned the area with the flashlight, revealing two closed wooden doors leading underground. The greyness was the lock on the doors.

After the area was clear, the pair crept their way to the doors and knelt down. Dani immediately began fiddling with the big grey combination lock which appeared to be a 4-digit number combination lock. Mimi kept a lookout with the flashlight in her hand turned off.

"Wait," asked Mimi, "How are we going to open the lock if we don't know the code"?

Dani took off the lock, "Got it".


"I guessed".

Mimi cleared the room with the flashlight before walking down the stairs with Dani. The flashlight had a small light blinking orange. They realized it drained pretty quickly. Yet they still needed to find the materials.

The two began quickly scrambling through the little basement. Dani found the gasoline, while Mimi found a charging station to begin charging the flashlight. As the two girls waited for the flashlight to charge, a noise was heard outside.

Dani attempted to peek out the small window at the top of the room but was too short. Mimi spotted a goat sticking its head in and out.

"It's a goat," said Mimi, "It's out there eating the corn leaves".

Dani was confused and peaked her head out the door to see. There was nothing around nor above that she could see except corn and the dumb goat that was cheerfully eating corn. Dani stated how gross the goat looked, but Mimi only smiled and told her to leave it alone. Mimi took the fully charged flashlight off the charging station.

Dani was still looking out the door when Mimi tapped her shoulder asking, "Are you really still looking at that goat"?

"I think that goat is up to something. Look at how it just eats and stands there".

Mimi saw no real threat from the goat and asked Dani what she wanted to do. But Dani had no plan to offer. Mimi took out the flashlight and shined it onto the goat a little and turned it off. The goat let out a cry and ran away.

"Did you see that?" asked Dani. But Mimi only shook her head no.

Dani then stated, "The goat froze when the light was on it and then ran when it was off".

Mimi then informed Dani that some animals are scared of lights. Dani suggested they run.

Mimi grabbed the gas from Dani and held the flashlight in her other hand. The two girls ran down the trail without touching the corn.

Not long after trampling was heard through the cornfield. Wild beasts were heard growling as it stormed through the cornfield. Dani and Mimi were only running faster as they heard the beasts come after them.

"Get it ready" yelled Dani as she ran behind Mimi.

The creature burst out of the cornfield jumped onto Dani. Mimi shined the flashlight on the creature and saw that the beast was like that of a Komodo dragon. Instead of a head, it had the torso of a hairy fat man.

"Asmodeus" was tattooed on its chest. The beast had three heads. One Human, a cow, and a goat.

His scaly fat arms choked Dani, causing her to gurgle.

Once Mimi held the light straight on Asmodeus, his grip weakened until he dropped Dani. He stood frozen in place from the light as Dani crawled away.

The two girls were out of breath but nowhere near done. Dani then took the flashlight from Mimi, allowing them to run away together.

Once they were far enough that the light was dim and losing its effect on Asmodeus, they cut through the corn and made it back to the brightened street where the red car was located.

It didn't take the two girls long to realize somebody was hiding on the other side of the red car.