The Girl In Red

With all of the girls locked up, Asmodeus, Agares, and Baphomet assembled at their cages and began the seance. The girls felt the terror, but not to the point of nausea. The cages surrounding the altar, forming a circle with the three demons standing at separate ends to form a triangle. Blood symbols appeared on the ground. Soon after, little children were seen standing on the blood symbols singing the seances.

Mimi looked out into the crowd of many ghost children and saw a little girl who resembled her boyfriend. Kiki saw her younger self. She had a mullet that gave her a warm-hearted feeling. Jaivva saw a child that looked similar to that of Andres and Iku. Each girl saw different sets of children. Some they knew and some they didn't. But they all reasoned with them in one way or another to their own lives. Except for Vanessa.

Vanessa was fixated on a young girl with a red sweater and a black skirt. She wore her hair tied into a red bow and stared at Vanessa. Tears fell down her pale cheeks. Vanessa had no clue who this girl could be, but she felt a connection to this child.

The demons were caught off guard when they heard a car speeding towards them. The children had slowly stopped their seance.

Vanessa stared back at the little girl who whispered, "Save me".

The car drove lost in the cornfield. Everybody heard Dani cursing the game, the car, Kiki, a few other people, her parents, and everybody else under the sun.

Baphomet flew up after Dani while Agares began riding his gator through the cornfield.

Dani came to a barn. She shined her headlights in revealing nothing. She quickly turned them off to preserve power and checked her gas the was down to 90%. Her window was down to be heard by the girls. There was no response.

Baphomet attempted to grab Dani through the window. She hit the gas to drive in reverse with Baphomet still holding on to the door itself.

The car turned to knock off Baphomet, but he wouldn't let go.

She burned the map and waved it on his hand. He froze, releasing his grip.

Dani came to a stop a few feet away where she locked eyes with the demon.

Just as Baphomet flew up Dani shined the car lights on him.

He froze crashing down. Dani wasted no time in running him over to drive into the cornfield.

Dani appeared to be stuck in the cornfield whereas Baphomet rose to his feet unharmed.

He kept his hollowed eyes peeled onto her car as he flew to her window.

While reaching in to grab her, a few burning corn leaves were thrown at him. Dani even threw out a burning car manual to set the field itself in flames.

Baphomet was now frozen in the fire and watched as Dani drove her car in reverse.

Gas was at 80%. Dani's anxiety was kicking in with the burning of the cornfield.

Dani found herself parked crying until she looked in her rearview mirror and saw herself as a child begging, "Save me".

Dani saw a few things left in the car. A lighter with half of its fluid. The half-burnt map that she used earlier. The other half of the driver's manual. And a bottle of alcohol. Dani made her preparations and began driving with a plan in mind.

The flames were out of sight when a crash came to Dani's hood. She crashed into the cornfield, unable to move due to the demon.

She prepped a Molotov, but Agares had begun stabbing at her with a fishing spear through the window. She threw the Molotov out the window towards Agares.

Just like Baphomet, Agares and his companion were frozen by the fire and its radiance. But that still left Dani with a problem. A pretty big gator was stuck on the hood.

Dani tried to drive in reverse the car, but only expended an extra 5% of gas trying to do so.

She cried when opening her door. She picked a burning corn plant to throw on the other side of the car. After, she climbed on top of the hood, shaking that the gator was going to eat her any second.

She sat with her back against the window and used her feet to kick off the crocodile as though she was giving birth. The struggle of pushing that thing was possibly her annual workout.

Once off, Dani jumped back into her car and drove in reverse.

Aimlessly driving in the field, Dani watched her fire burned it. After a bit, she found the alter where her friends were caged.

She drove around to light the entire area on fire using her remaining tools.

"What are you doing?" asked Nuhat in a confused tone.

Dani yelled, "Do you want me to leave you here"?

Nuhat sat quietly, waiting for Dani to rescue her.

Once the flames were set, Dani rescued each of her girls with Nana being last. They piled into the car before Dani drove off at full speed.

Driving down a dirt path, Mimi alerted everybody that the goat-man was chasing them.

Dani took a quick turn further into the cornfield with Asmodeus gaining ground on them. The girls were screaming, thinking Dani didn't have a plan. Soon after, she came to a stop in a dirt patch.

Asmodeus ran up to the car. The girls screamed for Dani to do something.

Dani flicked the headlight on to freeze their goat-man. Perfect timing. The flames were catching up now to keep him frozen.

"Dani," yelled Kiki, "Did you just solod three demons by yourself"?

Dani smirked as she drove to the road.

Mimi cheered, "She did"!

The girls remarked how weird the alter was and what they experience as the car came to an automatic halt.

The windshield shined giant words saying "You won your games of Grog".

They began cheering, but Vanessa couldn't help but wonder why did the game show her that little girl and why does she feel such a strong connection to her?