The Morning Train (December)

It was now December. The girls were getting ready in the locker room. Vanessa strapped on her light armor and a nice katana on her hip. Jaivva hed her double-bladed Ninja sword against the locker. Both were excited to bring their favorite melee weapon this month.

"Dani, what are you doing," asked Jaivva.

She was holding a weird item that had a gun handle and a circular hollow attachment.

"You'll see," smirked Dani.

Vanessa asked, "What is your fighting class anyway"?

"Don't worry about it. You will see when the time comes," she answered.

While Dani was being difficult, Vanessa asked what was Jaivva's job class. Surprisingly, she was a ninja.

"Wait. Isn't that an advanced class?" asked Vanessa.

Jaivva nodded with a tight smile. Both Dani and Vanessa congratulated her.

"So what is your fighting class Vanessa?" asked Dani.

She giggled with a finger on her lip, "I not telling".

Dani checked her phone to find that Vanessa was a spellblade. It was fitting given her high stats in both intellect and physical strength.

She further laughed as Vanessa thumb-smacked her phone to find Dani's stats.


Later in the hallway, Vanessa was complaining that only Dani can see her stats and not vice versa. Hakim explained that it was an administrative power only Dani and Logan held.

"You're such an angry lolli," said Vanessa at Dani who was sticking out her tongue.

"Please don't call her that," begged Jeff.

"Vanessa's words have done me no harm"!

"Are we ready," asked Logan with his hand on the door handle.

The bickering and lack of focus gave Logan an uneasy feeling until Andres demanded everyone's attention.

With the team now focused, Logan exhaled and opened the door to a living room. Just a standard living decorated for Christmas.

Jeff gave orders for everybody to stay together. Logan walked off with Hakim, Dani, and Andres shortly behind him.

The Christmas Tree in the dining room was giving off a strange feeling. Andres walked towards the tree and noted that it wasn't dangerous.

"Alright," said Logan as he was going to investigate.

But before he could touch it, rumbling was heard. The house began to shake. Fixtures flew into the air. Nobody had a clue on what was happening. Hakim and Dani took a knee to avoid being blown away.

Everything shattered, leaving the team stranded in a tundra. A gust of cold brushed by. Luckily they each followed the given instructions and equipped warm armor.

Logan looked up, "Alright! Let's go"!

"Go where," asked Jeff staring in confusion.

Andres pointed out a wooden sign leading to a path. Embarrassed by the revelation, Jeff assembled his team into a formation to follow Andres down the snow-filled path.


After walking a bit, Andres spotted an ice boulder in the forest. There was something inside of it. Jeff formed a security circle and ordered Hakim to melt the boulder.

"Somebody is here," said Logan.

Andres focused to scanned the area for the threat. After a few seconds, he detected a celestial nearby. Jeff vouched to hide. It didn't make sense fighting a celestial. Although logan did make a point that not all were powerful.

Just as Hakim was nearly finished, Jeff stopped him. Andres informed the team that the celestial was here.

From the trees, the celestial jumped while shooting ice spears at the team.

"Sheild!" called Andres to create a magical shield for each teammate.

Its landing caused a gust of snow to brush the team back. His eyes glowed white as he began swinging around his 6-foot pole.

Dani began firing a series of firebombs from her odd shape weapon.

The celestial deflected those bombs with mere swings of its pole.

"Freeze," called Logan. A card in the snow froze the entire area where the celestial stood.

Dani began charging her gun thing as Andres recast his shields. When done, she blew up the man.

As the evaporating snow blocked their vision, Andres yelled, "He's not done"!

"Jaivva," yelled Logan, "Let's go".

A storm brewed before them. Jaivva and Logan made their way through the swirling winds to attack the celestial.

Jaivva swung her double-blade ninja sword just to be parried by the celestial's heavy ice enchanted swings.

Those bold blocks of ice failed to protect him from Logan's swift impales with his short sword.

The attacks weren't fatal. He tried to counter Logan only to be stabbed in the liver.

The celestial formed a stormed that sent Logan and Jaivva flying back.

Andres ran in swing his shield and sword. Though the celestial was quick enough to dodge his hit, he wasn't strong enough to hurt him.

Hakim's hands were deep in the snow melting it away. "Shock," he called to paralyze Andres and the celestial.

It was a good thing Andres had a lightning resist spell on. Only the celestial was injured by the attack.

Jaivva jumped down from a tree and slammed her blade into the skull of the celestial. Hakim canceled his spell upon impact before Jaivva hit the waters.

Logan decapitated the celestial before it could recover.

Andres scanned the area for threats. Dani and Logan had inspected the decapitated celestial while Hakim finished burning the ice boulder.

"Oki," said Vanessa, "So what is Dani".

"You mean her class?" asked Andres, "She's a gunmage".

Dani began bragging about how gunmages are an advanced class. Even better, it was the three girls of the team that held advanced classes. Andres confirmed that this was true, but kept his focus more on the celestial while Jeff stayed with Hakim.

Logan realized that the staff froze anything with moisture and that the celestial's body was frozen, yet mobile when alive. He refused to touch the staff for himself due to it being dangerous and there was nothing to take.

"Lame," said Dani as she walked away noticing the melted ice boulders. Her eyes sparkled as they widened to unnatural proportions.

Jaivva asked how did she get that feature. Dani didn't answer. Vanessa stated that the anime eye sparkles were actually expensive in player points. They cost at least 10,000 for the basic ones.

Dani ignored them for the giant gingerbread men who were now free from their icy imprisonment. The gingerbread men were bigger than Andres. While they walked to Jeff, Dani ran to hug one tightly until sparkles appeared around her. Dani felt so loved as she enjoyed her moment of childish bliss hugging the giant gingerbread man.

Jeff got an update showing that the gingerbread men were added to the team. He checked their stats and saw they were useless. Logan informed Jeff that they have to level them up with player points.

For the time being, they needed speed to keep up. Pissed as ever for having to lug around useless crewmates, Jeff used the point earned from killing the celestial to upgrade the gingerbread men. Dani latched onto the back of a gingerbread man to carry her as the team had continued following the path.


After a while, the team found themselves at a train station. Oaka was waiting near a train. When they came near, he informed them that the train was free to use. He even offered a map to navigate the mountains

"Have you seen two kids between the ages 11-14 come by?" asked Logan

Oaka confirmed two young girls did come by earlier and boarded the first train. It was a little shocking for half the team that Logan knew the age range to ask for.

"How did you know the age range?" asked Vanessa.

"It seemed obvious that the two people for us to protect were kids. The game often does that. They seem pretty good to have made it this far".

"Ladies take the lead again," danced Dani.

"So where are we going to next, Andres?" asked Hakim as he boarded the train.

Andres smiled, "We're going to church"!