It was the first weekend of January. Vanessa received her mission for the month via text message through her issued phone from the studio. She was rowing her kayak gently down the structured waters into a tunnel.
The kayak was small. Only befitting for one person. The water itself was calm. A thin ledge rested further down the tunnel. Vanessa tied her kayak down before creeping across.
Her little strapless dress fluffed out at the hip. Never to collect when brushing against the walls. It was an anomaly to the dim tunnel. The pink armbands had frills at the end which matched the ends of her dress. Covering her shoulders was a thin kitty-eared hood. It didn't reach half-way down her back. But it covered nearly all exposed skin from her upper half. Her clogs shined pink to match her frilled socks. The random black and white stripes on her outfit topped with black buttons made it pop scream kawaii.